
450 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2016. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; Written by hidnplayr@kolibrios.org ;;
;; ;;
;; Version 2, June 1991 ;;
;; ;;
text_insert_newlines: ; esi = ASCIIZ string
xor edx, edx ; number of lines of text
cmp byte[esi], 0
je .done
xor ebx, ebx
mov ecx, [textbox_width]
inc ecx
dec ecx
jz .end_of_line
lodsb ; get one character of the string
test al, 0x80
jnz .multiball!
test al, al ; end of string?
jz .almost_done
cmp al, ' ' ; it's a space! remember its position
je .space
cmp al, 13 ; we already inserted a newline once, make it a space again
je .soft_nl
cmp al, 10 ; it's a newline, continue onto the next line
jne .more
inc edx
jmp .next_line
mov byte[esi-1], ' '
mov ebx, esi ; last detected space
jmp .more
inc edx
test ebx, ebx ; did we detect any spaces on this line?
jz .next_line ; no: just continue onto the next line
mov byte[ebx-1], 13 ; yes: replace last space on line with a soft newline
mov esi, ebx ; and continue parsing just after last space
jmp .next_line ;
dec esi
add esi, 4
and al, 11111000b
cmp al, 11110000b
je .more
dec esi
and al, 11110000b
cmp al, 11100000b
je .more
dec esi
jmp .more
; scan untill next line is reached
; When you set the direction flag before calling, you can also scan for previous line!
; IN: esi
; OUT: esi
mov ecx, [textbox_width]
test al, al
jz .done
cmp al, 10
je .done
cmp al, 13
je .done
dec ecx
jnz .loop
; print string
; IN: esi = ptr to string
; bl = char which marks end of string
; OUT: esi = ptr to end of str
push eax
cmp al, bl
je .done
cmp al, 13
je .loop
test al, al
jz .done
call print_char
jmp .loop
pop eax
; print ASCIIZ string
; IN: esi = ptr to ASCIIZ string
; OUT: esi = ptr to end of str
push eax
test al, al
jz .done
call print_char
jmp .loop
pop eax
; print character
; IN: al = char to print
; OUT: /
push esi edi
mov esi, [window_print]
mov edi, [esi + window.text_write]
cmp edi, [esi + window.text_end]
jae .uh_ow
mov [esi + window.text_write], edi
or [esi + window.flags], FLAG_UPDATED
pop edi esi
mov edi, [esi + window.text_start]
mov [esi + window.text_print], edi
lea esi, [edi + TEXT_BUFFERSIZE/2]
call text_nextline
rep movsd
mov esi, edi
call text_insert_newlines
mov ebx, [window_print]
mov [ebx + window.text_lines], edx
mov [ebx + window.text_scanned], esi
mov [ebx + window.text_write], esi
mov [ebx + window.text_line_print], 0
jmp .continue
mov edi, [window_active]
and [edi + window.flags], not FLAG_UPDATED ; clear the 'window is updated' flag
; Scan new text for newlines
mov esi, [edi + window.text_scanned]
call text_insert_newlines
add [edi + window.text_lines], edx
mov [edi + window.text_scanned], esi
; Is scrollbar at lowest position?
test [edi + window.flags], FLAG_SCROLL_LOW
jnz .yesscroll ; Yes
cmp [scroll2.all_redraw], 1 ; No
jnz .noscroll
mov edx, [textbox_height]
add edx, [edi + window.text_line_print]
cmp edx, [edi + window.text_lines]
jl .noscroll
; Scrollbar was at lowest position, scroll down automatically when new text arrived.
mov edx, [edi + window.text_lines]
sub edx, [textbox_height]
jle .noscroll ; There are less lines of text than fit into the window, dont scroll..
sub edx, [edi + window.text_line_print]
je .noscroll ; We are already at the bottom pos, dont scroll..
.scroll_to_pos: ; edx = number of lines to go up/down (flags must indicate direction)
add [edi + window.text_line_print], edx
mov esi, [edi + window.text_print]
ja .loop_forward
std ; set direction flag so we can scan backwards
dec esi
dec esi ; move our cursor just in front of newline, for scanning backwards
call text_nextline
inc edx
jnz .loop_backward
inc esi
inc esi ; move the cursor just after last newline
jmp .ok
call text_nextline
dec edx
jnz .loop_forward
mov [edi + window.text_print], esi
; Update and draw scrollbar when nescessary
mov edx, [edi + window.text_lines]
cmp edx, [textbox_height]
jbe .scroll_done
mov [scroll2.max_area], edx
mov eax, [edi + window.text_line_print]
mov [scroll2.position], eax
push dword scroll2 ; redraw scrollbar
call [scrollbar_draw]
mov [scroll2.all_redraw], 0 ; next time, dont redraw it completely
; Calculate start offset coordinates (align text to bottom)
mov ebx, [textbox_height]
sub ebx, [edi + window.text_lines]
jb .no_offset
imul ebx, FONT_HEIGHT
push [edi + window.text_start]
pop [edi + window.text_print]
jmp .draw_text
xor ebx, ebx
; Prepare to actually draw some text
add ebx, TEXT_X shl 16 + TEXT_Y ; text coordinates
mov ecx, [colors.work_text] ; default text color
or ecx, 0x30000000
mov edx, [edi + window.text_print] ; start of text to print
; Scan backwards on line for color escape codes
mov esi, edx
push edx
cmp al, 0 ; end of text
je @f
cmp al, 10 ; hard newline
je @f
cmp al, 3 ; mIRC escape code
jne @b
lea edx, [esi+2]
call dec_to_esi
jz @f
mov ecx, [irc_colors + 4*esi]
or ecx, 0x30000000 ; UTF-8 text
cmp byte[edx], ',' ; background color?
jne @f
inc edx
call dec_to_esi
jz @f
mov edi, [irc_colors + 4*esi]
or ecx, 0x40000000 ; enable background color
pop edx
mov eax, [textbox_height] ; max number of lines to draw
cmp byte[edx], 0
je .end_of_text
; Clear one row of characters
mov cx, bx
shl ecx, 16
mov ebx, TEXT_X shl 16
mov bx, word[textbox_width]
imul bx, FONT_WIDTH
mov edx, [colors.work]
mcall 13 ; draw rectangle
push eax
mov esi, [textbox_width]
cmp byte[edx], 0
je .end_of_text
cmp byte[edx], 13
je .newline_soft
cmp byte[edx], 10
je .newline_hard
push esi
cmp byte[edx], 3 ; escape code for mIRC colors
jne .no_colors
inc edx
call dec_to_esi
jz .no_colors
mov ecx, [irc_colors + 4*esi]
or ecx, 0x30000000
cmp byte[edx], ',' ; background color?
jne .no_colors
inc edx
call dec_to_esi
jz .no_colors
mov edi, [irc_colors + 4*esi]
or ecx, 0x40000000
mov esi, 1
mcall 4 ; draw text
mov esi, 1
mov al, byte[edx]
test al, 10000000b
jz @f
mov esi, 4
and al, 11111000b
cmp al, 11110000b
je @f
dec esi
and al, 11110000b
cmp al, 11100000b
je @f
dec esi
add ebx, FONT_WIDTH shl 16
add edx, esi
pop esi
dec esi
jnz .line
jmp .line_full
mov ecx, [colors.work_text]
or ecx, 0x30000000
inc edx
and ebx, 0x0000ffff
add ebx, TEXT_X shl 16 + FONT_HEIGHT
pop eax
dec eax
jnz .drawloop
xor esi, esi
movzx eax, byte[edx]
sub al, '0'
jb .done
cmp al, 9
ja .done
inc edx
lea esi, [esi*4 + esi] ; esi * 5
lea esi, [esi*2 + eax] ; esi * 2 + eax
jmp .loop
cmp esi, 16
jae .fail
xor esi, esi
mcall 3 ; get system time
mov ebx, eax
mov al, '['
call print_char
mov ecx, TIMESTAMP
mov al, bl
shr al, 4
add al, '0'
call print_char
mov al, bl
and al, 0x0f
add al, '0'
call print_char
dec ecx
jz .done
mov al, ':'
call print_char
shr ebx, 8
jmp .loop
mov al, ']'
call print_char
mov al, ' '
call print_char
end if