/** \file lispobject.h
 *  Implementation of basic LispObject, which is the base class for
 *  anything that can be put in a linked list.
 * class LispObject. This class implements one lisp object, which is a
 * abstract class containing reference counting and a next pointer.
 * derive from this to implement specific types of list elements.
 * The local class LispPtr implements automatic garbage collection
 * through reference counting.

#ifndef __lispobject_h__
#define __lispobject_h__

#include "yacasbase.h"
#include "refcount.h"
#include "lispstring.h"
#include "genericobject.h"

#define DBG_(xxx) xxx
#define DBG_(xxx) /*xxx*/

class LispObject;
class BigNumber;

/** class LispPtr. A LispPtr is a smart pointer to a LispObject.
 *  It does the reference counting, and consequent destruction if needed.
 *  LispPtr is used in LispObject as a pointer to the next object; and
 *  LispPtr::GoNext() advances one step in this LispObject::Nixed() chain.
 *  Diverse built-in functions use LispPtr to hold temporary values.
typedef RefPtr<LispObject> LispPtr;

/** \class LispPtrArray is similar to LispPtr, but implements an array
 *  of pointers to objects.
typedef CArrayGrower<LispPtr, ArrOpsCustomObj<LispPtr> > LispPtrArray;

void IncNrObjects();
void DecNrObjects();
#define IncNrObjects()
#define DecNrObjects()

// Should we DecNrObjects by the delete, or in the destructor?
// Put a DecNrObjects_xxx() macro in both places, and CHOOSE here.
#define DecNrObjects_delete()    DECNROBJECTS_CHOOSE(DecNrObjects(),)
#define DecNrObjects_destructor()  DECNROBJECTS_CHOOSE(,DecNrObjects())
#define DECNROBJECTS_CHOOSE(bydelete,bydestructor) bydestructor

template <int> struct Undefined;
template <> struct Undefined<1>{};

/** class LispObject is the base object class that can be put in
 *  linked lists. It either has a pointer to a string, obtained through
 *  String(), or it is a holder for a sublist, obtainable through SubList(),
 *  or it is a generic object, in which case Generic() returns non-NULL.
 *  Only one of these three functions should return a non-NULL value.
 *  It is a reference-counted object. LispPtr handles the reference counting.
class LispObject : public YacasBase
  inline LispPtr& Nixed();

public: //Derivables
  virtual ~LispObject();

  /** Return string representation, or NULL if the object doesn't have one.
   *  the string representation is only relevant if the object is a
   *  simple atom. This method returns NULL by default.
  virtual LispString * String()  { return NULL; }
  /** If this object is a list, return a pointer to it.
   *  Default behaviour is to return NULL.
  virtual LispPtr* SubList()      { return NULL; }
  virtual GenericClass* Generic() { return NULL; }

  /** If this is a number, return a BigNumber representation
  virtual BigNumber* Number(LispInt aPrecision) { return NULL; }

  virtual LispObject* Copy() = 0;

 /** Return a pointer to extra info. This allows for annotating
  *  an object. Returns NULL by default.
  *  LispObject's implementation of this handles almost all derived classes.
  virtual LispObject* ExtraInfo() { return NULL; }
  virtual LispObject* SetExtraInfo(LispObject* aData) = 0;
  LispInt Equal(LispObject& aOther);
  inline LispInt operator==(LispObject& aOther);
  inline LispInt operator!=(LispObject& aOther);
  DBG_( LispChar * iFileName; )
  DBG_( LispInt iLine; )
  inline void SetFileAndLine(LispChar * aFileName, LispInt aLine)
    DBG_( iFileName = aFileName; )
    DBG_( iLine = aLine; )
  inline LispObject() :
#endif // YACAS_DEBUG
    DBG_( iFileName = NULL; )
    DBG_( iLine = 0; )
  inline LispObject(const LispObject& other) :
#endif // YACAS_DEBUG

  inline LispObject& operator=(const LispObject& other)
    iFileName = other.iFileName;
    iLine     = other.iLine;
#endif // YACAS_DEBUG
    return *this;

  LispPtr   iNext;
  ReferenceCount iReferenceCount;

template <class T>
class WithExtraInfo : public T
  WithExtraInfo(T& aT, LispObject* aData = 0) : T(aT), iExtraInfo(aData) {}
  WithExtraInfo(const WithExtraInfo& other) : T(other), iExtraInfo(other.iExtraInfo) {}
    virtual LispObject* ExtraInfo() { return iExtraInfo; }
  virtual LispObject* SetExtraInfo(LispObject* aData) { iExtraInfo = aData; return this; }
  virtual LispObject* Copy()
    if (!iExtraInfo.ptr()) return T::Copy();
        return NEW WithExtraInfo(*this, iExtraInfo->Copy());
  LispPtr iExtraInfo;

template <class T, class U = LispObject>
class ObjectHelper : public U
  typedef ObjectHelper ASuper;  // for use by the derived class
  ObjectHelper() {}
  ObjectHelper(const ObjectHelper& other) : U(other) {}
  virtual ~ObjectHelper() = 0;  // so we're abstract
  virtual LispObject* SetExtraInfo(LispObject* aData)
    if (!aData) return this;
    //T * pT = dynamic_cast<T*>(this); LISPASSERT(pT);
    LispObject * pObject = NEW WithExtraInfo<T>(*static_cast<T*>(this), aData);
    return pObject;

template <typename T, class U>
inline ObjectHelper<T,U>::~ObjectHelper() {}

 * class LispIterator works almost like LispPtr, but doesn't enforce
 * reference counting, so it should be faster.  Use LispIterator
 * (instead of LispPtr) to traverse a lisp expression non-destructively.
class LispIterator : public YacasBase
  // ala TEMPLATE CLASS iterator
  //typedef forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
  typedef LispPtr    value_type;
  typedef int /*ptrdiff_t*/  difference_type;
  typedef LispPtr*  pointer;
  typedef LispPtr&  reference;
  LispIterator() : _Ptr(0) {}  // construct with null node pointer
  LispIterator(pointer ptr) : _Ptr(ptr) {}  // construct with node pointer
  /*non-standard*/ LispIterator(reference ref) : _Ptr(&ref) {}  // construct with node reference
  reference operator*() const { return (*(_Ptr)); }  // return designated value
  pointer operator->() const { return (_Ptr); }  // return pointer to class object
  inline LispIterator& operator++()  // preincrement
    //precondition: _Ptr != NULL
    //expand: _Ptr = _Nextnode(_Ptr);
    LispObject * pObj = _Ptr->operator->();
    _Ptr = pObj ? &(pObj->Nixed()) : NULL;
    return (*this);
  LispIterator operator++(int) { LispIterator _Tmp = *this; ++*this; return (_Tmp); }  // postincrement
  bool operator==(const LispIterator& other) const { return (_Ptr == other._Ptr); }  // test for iterator equality
  bool operator!=(const LispIterator& other) const { return (!(*this == other)); }  // test for iterator inequality
  // The following operators are not used yet, and would need to be tested before used.
  //LispIterator& operator--() { _Ptr = _Prevnode(_Ptr); return (*this); }  // predecrement
  //LispIterator operator--(int) { LispIterator _Tmp = *this; --*this; return (_Tmp); }  // postdecrement
  pointer _Ptr;  // pointer to node
  inline LispObject* getObj() const { return (*_Ptr).operator->(); }

#include "lispobject.inl"
