(* BSD 2-Clause License Copyright (c) 2018-2021, Anton Krotov All rights reserved. *) MODULE PROG; IMPORT SCAN, LISTS, ARITH, ERRORS, C := COLLECTIONS, IL, UTILS, TARGETS, STRINGS, PATHS; CONST MAXARRDIM* = 5; MAXSCOPE = 16; MAXSYSVPARAM* = 26; idNONE* = 0; idGUARD = 1; idMODULE* = 2; idCONST* = 3; idTYPE* = 4; idSTFUNC* = 5; idSTPROC* = 6; idVAR* = 7; idPROC* = 8; idVPAR* = 9; idPARAM* = 10; idSYSFUNC* = 11; idSYSPROC* = 12; idIMP* = 13; tINTEGER* = 1; tBYTE* = 2; tCHAR* = 3; tSET* = 4; tBOOLEAN* = 5; tREAL* = 6; tARRAY* = 7; tRECORD* = 8; tPOINTER* = 9; tPROCEDURE* = 10; tSTRING* = 11; tNIL* = 12; tCARD32* = 13; tANYREC* = 14; tWCHAR* = 15; tNONE* = 16; BASICTYPES* = {tINTEGER, tBYTE, tCHAR, tSET, tBOOLEAN, tREAL, tCARD32, tWCHAR}; stABS* = 1; stASR* = 2; stCHR* = 3; stFLOOR* = 4; stFLT* = 5; stLEN* = 6; stLSL* = 7; stODD* = 8; stORD* = 9; stROR* = 10; stASSERT* = 11; stDEC* = 12; stEXCL* = 13; stINC* = 14; stINCL* = 15; stNEW* = 16; stPACK* = 17; stUNPK* = 18; sysADR* = 19; sysSIZE* = 20; sysGET* = 21; sysPUT* = 22; stDISPOSE* = 23; stLSR* = 24; stBITS* = 25; sysCODE* = 26; sysMOVE* = 27; stLENGTH* = 28; stMIN* = 29; stMAX* = 30; sysSADR* = 31; sysTYPEID* = 32; sysCOPY* = 33; sysINF* = 34; sysPUT8* = 35; sysPUT16* = 36; stCOPY* = 37; stWCHR* = 38; sysWSADR* = 39; sysPUT32* = 40; (*sysNOP* = 41; sysEINT* = 42; sysDINT* = 43;*)sysGET8* = 44; sysGET16* = 45; sysGET32* = 46; default32* = 2; _default32* = default32 + 1; stdcall* = 4; _stdcall* = stdcall + 1; cdecl* = 6; _cdecl* = cdecl + 1; ccall* = 8; _ccall* = ccall + 1; win64* = 10; _win64* = win64 + 1; default64* = 12; _default64* = default64 + 1; systemv* = 14; _systemv* = systemv + 1; default16* = 16; _default16* = default16 + 1; code* = 18; _code* = code + 1; noalign* = 22; callee_clean_up* = {default32, _default32, stdcall, _stdcall, default64, _default64}; sf_stdcall* = 0; sf_oberon* = 1; sf_cdecl* = 2; sf_ccall* = 3; sf_win64* = 4; sf_systemv* = 5; sf_windows* = 6; sf_linux* = 7; sf_code* = 8; sf_noalign* = 9; proc_flags* = {sf_stdcall, sf_cdecl, sf_ccall, sf_win64, sf_systemv, sf_windows, sf_linux, sf_code, sf_oberon}; rec_flags* = {sf_noalign}; STACK_FRAME = 2; TYPE OPTIONS* = RECORD version*, stack*, ram*, rom*: INTEGER; pic*, lower*: BOOLEAN; checking*: SET END; IDENT* = POINTER TO rIDENT; UNIT* = POINTER TO rUNIT; _TYPE* = POINTER TO rTYPE; FRWPTR* = POINTER TO RECORD (LISTS.ITEM) _type: _TYPE; baseIdent: SCAN.IDENT; linked: BOOLEAN; pos*: SCAN.POSITION; notRecord*: BOOLEAN END; PROC* = POINTER TO RECORD (LISTS.ITEM) label*: INTEGER; used*: BOOLEAN; processed*: BOOLEAN; _import*: LISTS.ITEM; using*: LISTS.LIST; enter*, leave*: LISTS.ITEM END; USED_PROC = POINTER TO RECORD (LISTS.ITEM) proc: PROC END; rUNIT = RECORD (LISTS.ITEM) fname*: PATHS.PATH; name*: SCAN.IDENT; idents*: LISTS.LIST; frwPointers: LISTS.LIST; gscope: IDENT; closed*: BOOLEAN; scopeLvl*: INTEGER; sysimport*: BOOLEAN; scopes*: ARRAY MAXSCOPE OF PROC END; FIELD* = POINTER TO rFIELD; PARAM* = POINTER TO rPARAM; rTYPE = RECORD (LISTS.ITEM) typ*: INTEGER; size*: INTEGER; parSize*: INTEGER; length*: INTEGER; align*: INTEGER; base*: _TYPE; fields*: LISTS.LIST; params*: LISTS.LIST; unit*: UNIT; closed*: BOOLEAN; num*: INTEGER; call*: INTEGER; _import*: BOOLEAN; noalign*: BOOLEAN END; rFIELD = RECORD (LISTS.ITEM) _type*: _TYPE; name*: SCAN.IDENT; export*: BOOLEAN; offset*: INTEGER END; rPARAM = RECORD (LISTS.ITEM) name*: SCAN.IDENT; _type*: _TYPE; vPar*: BOOLEAN; offset*: INTEGER END; rIDENT = RECORD (LISTS.ITEM) name*: SCAN.IDENT; typ*: INTEGER; export*: BOOLEAN; _import*: LISTS.ITEM; unit*: UNIT; value*: ARITH.VALUE; _type*: _TYPE; stproc*: INTEGER; global*: BOOLEAN; scopeLvl*: INTEGER; offset*: INTEGER; proc*: PROC; pos*: SCAN.POSITION END; PROGRAM = RECORD recCount: INTEGER; units*: LISTS.LIST; types*: LISTS.LIST; sysunit*: UNIT; rtl*: UNIT; bss*: INTEGER; locsize*: INTEGER; procs*: LISTS.LIST; sysflags*: SET; options*: OPTIONS; stTypes*: RECORD tINTEGER*, tBYTE*, tCHAR*, tWCHAR*, tSET*, tBOOLEAN*, tREAL*, tSTRING*, tNIL*, tCARD32*, tANYREC*, tNONE*: _TYPE END END; DELIMPORT = PROCEDURE (_import: LISTS.ITEM); VAR LowerCase*: BOOLEAN; idents: C.COLLECTION; program*: PROGRAM; PROCEDURE NewIdent (): IDENT; VAR ident: IDENT; citem: C.ITEM; BEGIN citem := C.pop(idents); IF citem = NIL THEN NEW(ident) ELSE ident := citem(IDENT) END RETURN ident END NewIdent; PROCEDURE getOffset* (varIdent: IDENT): INTEGER; VAR size: INTEGER; BEGIN IF varIdent.offset = -1 THEN size := varIdent._type.size; IF varIdent.global THEN IF UTILS.Align(program.bss, varIdent._type.align) THEN IF UTILS.maxint - program.bss >= size THEN varIdent.offset := program.bss; INC(program.bss, size) END END ELSE IF UTILS.Align(size, TARGETS.WordSize) THEN size := size DIV TARGETS.WordSize; IF UTILS.maxint - program.locsize >= size THEN INC(program.locsize, size); varIdent.offset := program.locsize END END END; IF varIdent.offset = -1 THEN ERRORS.Error(204) END END RETURN varIdent.offset END getOffset; PROCEDURE closeUnit* (unit: UNIT); VAR ident, prev: IDENT; offset: INTEGER; BEGIN ident := unit.idents.last(IDENT); WHILE (ident # NIL) & (ident.typ # idGUARD) DO IF (ident.typ = idVAR) & (ident.offset = -1) THEN ERRORS.HintMsg(ident.name.s, ident.pos.line, ident.pos.col, 0); IF ident.export THEN offset := getOffset(ident) END END; ident := ident.prev(IDENT) END; ident := unit.idents.last(IDENT); WHILE ident # NIL DO prev := ident.prev(IDENT); IF ~ident.export THEN LISTS.delete(unit.idents, ident); C.push(idents, ident) END; ident := prev END; unit.closed := TRUE END closeUnit; PROCEDURE IdEq* (a, b: SCAN.IDENT): BOOLEAN; RETURN (a.hash = b.hash) & (a.s = b.s) END IdEq; PROCEDURE unique (unit: UNIT; ident: SCAN.IDENT): BOOLEAN; VAR item: IDENT; BEGIN item := unit.idents.last(IDENT); WHILE (item.typ # idGUARD) & ~IdEq(item.name, ident) DO item := item.prev(IDENT) END RETURN item.typ = idGUARD END unique; PROCEDURE addIdent* (unit: UNIT; ident: SCAN.IDENT; typ: INTEGER): IDENT; VAR item: IDENT; res: BOOLEAN; proc: PROC; BEGIN ASSERT(unit # NIL); res := unique(unit, ident); IF res THEN item := NewIdent(); item.name := ident; item.typ := typ; item.unit := NIL; item.export := FALSE; item._import := NIL; item._type := NIL; item.value.typ := 0; item.stproc := 0; item.global := unit.scopeLvl = 0; item.scopeLvl := unit.scopeLvl; item.offset := -1; IF item.typ IN {idPROC, idIMP} THEN NEW(proc); proc._import := NIL; proc.label := 0; proc.used := FALSE; proc.processed := FALSE; proc.using := LISTS.create(NIL); LISTS.push(program.procs, proc); item.proc := proc END; LISTS.push(unit.idents, item) ELSE item := NIL END RETURN item END addIdent; PROCEDURE UseProc* (unit: UNIT; call_proc: PROC); VAR procs: LISTS.LIST; cur: LISTS.ITEM; proc: USED_PROC; BEGIN IF unit.scopeLvl = 0 THEN call_proc.used := TRUE ELSE procs := unit.scopes[unit.scopeLvl].using; cur := procs.first; WHILE (cur # NIL) & (cur(USED_PROC).proc # call_proc) DO cur := cur.next END; IF cur = NIL THEN NEW(proc); proc.proc := call_proc; LISTS.push(procs, proc) END END END UseProc; PROCEDURE setVarsType* (unit: UNIT; _type: _TYPE); VAR item: IDENT; BEGIN ASSERT(_type # NIL); item := unit.idents.last(IDENT); WHILE (item # NIL) & (item.typ = idVAR) & (item._type = NIL) DO item._type := _type; item := item.prev(IDENT) END END setVarsType; PROCEDURE getIdent* (unit: UNIT; ident: SCAN.IDENT; currentScope: BOOLEAN): IDENT; VAR item: IDENT; BEGIN item := unit.idents.last(IDENT); IF item # NIL THEN IF currentScope THEN WHILE (item.typ # idGUARD) & ~IdEq(item.name, ident) DO item := item.prev(IDENT) END; IF item.typ = idGUARD THEN item := NIL END ELSE WHILE (item # NIL) & ~IdEq(item.name, ident) DO item := item.prev(IDENT) END END END RETURN item END getIdent; PROCEDURE openScope* (unit: UNIT; proc: PROC): BOOLEAN; VAR item: IDENT; res: BOOLEAN; BEGIN INC(unit.scopeLvl); res := unit.scopeLvl < MAXSCOPE; IF res THEN unit.scopes[unit.scopeLvl] := proc; NEW(item); item := NewIdent(); item.name.s := ""; item.name.hash := 0; item.typ := idGUARD; LISTS.push(unit.idents, item) END RETURN res END openScope; PROCEDURE closeScope* (unit: UNIT); VAR item: IDENT; del: IDENT; BEGIN item := unit.idents.last(IDENT); WHILE (item # NIL) & (item.typ # idGUARD) DO del := item; item := item.prev(IDENT); IF (del.typ = idVAR) & (del.offset = -1) THEN ERRORS.HintMsg(del.name.s, del.pos.line, del.pos.col, 0) END; LISTS.delete(unit.idents, del); C.push(idents, del) END; IF (item # NIL) & (item.typ = idGUARD) THEN LISTS.delete(unit.idents, item); C.push(idents, item) END; DEC(unit.scopeLvl) END closeScope; PROCEDURE frwPtr* (unit: UNIT; _type: _TYPE; baseIdent: SCAN.IDENT; pos: SCAN.POSITION); VAR newptr: FRWPTR; BEGIN ASSERT(unit # NIL); ASSERT(_type # NIL); NEW(newptr); newptr._type := _type; newptr.baseIdent := baseIdent; newptr.pos := pos; newptr.linked := FALSE; newptr.notRecord := FALSE; LISTS.push(unit.frwPointers, newptr) END frwPtr; PROCEDURE linkPtr* (unit: UNIT): FRWPTR; VAR item: FRWPTR; ident: IDENT; res: FRWPTR; BEGIN res := NIL; item := unit.frwPointers.last(FRWPTR); WHILE (item # NIL) & ~item.linked & (res = NIL) DO ident := getIdent(unit, item.baseIdent, TRUE); IF (ident # NIL) THEN IF (ident.typ = idTYPE) & (ident._type.typ = tRECORD) THEN item._type.base := ident._type; item.linked := TRUE ELSE item.notRecord := TRUE; res := item END ELSE item.notRecord := FALSE; res := item END; item := item.prev(FRWPTR) END RETURN res END linkPtr; PROCEDURE isTypeEq* (t1, t2: _TYPE): BOOLEAN; VAR res: BOOLEAN; param1, param2: LISTS.ITEM; BEGIN IF t1 = t2 THEN res := TRUE ELSIF (t1 = NIL) OR (t2 = NIL) THEN res := FALSE ELSIF (t1.typ = tPROCEDURE) & (t2.typ = tPROCEDURE) THEN param1 := t1.params.first; param2 := t2.params.first; res := ((t1.call = t2.call) OR (t1.call IN {code, _code}) OR (t2.call IN {code, _code})) & ((param1 # NIL) = (param2 # NIL)); WHILE res & (param1 # NIL) & (param2 # NIL) DO res := (param1(PARAM).vPar = param2(PARAM).vPar) & isTypeEq(param1(PARAM)._type, param2(PARAM)._type); param1 := param1.next; param2 := param2.next; res := res & ((param1 # NIL) = (param2 # NIL)) END; res := res & isTypeEq(t1.base, t2.base) ELSIF (t1.typ = tARRAY) & (t2.typ = tARRAY) THEN res := (t1.length = 0) & (t2.length = 0) & isTypeEq(t1.base, t2.base) ELSE res := FALSE END RETURN res END isTypeEq; PROCEDURE isBaseOf* (t0, t1: _TYPE): BOOLEAN; VAR res: BOOLEAN; BEGIN res := (t0.typ = t1.typ) & (t0.typ IN {tPOINTER, tRECORD}); IF res & (t0.typ = tPOINTER) THEN t0 := t0.base; t1 := t1.base END; IF res THEN WHILE (t1 # NIL) & (t1 # t0) DO t1 := t1.base END; res := t1 # NIL END RETURN res END isBaseOf; PROCEDURE isOpenArray* (t: _TYPE): BOOLEAN; RETURN (t.typ = tARRAY) & (t.length = 0) END isOpenArray; PROCEDURE arrcomp* (src, dst: _TYPE): BOOLEAN; RETURN (dst.typ = tARRAY) & isOpenArray(src) & ~isOpenArray(src.base) & ~isOpenArray(dst.base) & isTypeEq(src.base, dst.base) END arrcomp; PROCEDURE getUnit* (name: PATHS.PATH): UNIT; VAR item: UNIT; BEGIN item := program.units.first(UNIT); WHILE (item # NIL) & (item.fname # name) DO item := item.next(UNIT) END; IF (item = NIL) & ((name = "SYSTEM") OR LowerCase & (name = "system")) THEN item := program.sysunit END RETURN item END getUnit; PROCEDURE enterStTypes (unit: UNIT); PROCEDURE enter (unit: UNIT; nameStr: SCAN.IDSTR; _type: _TYPE); VAR ident: IDENT; upper: SCAN.IDSTR; name: SCAN.IDENT; BEGIN IF LowerCase THEN SCAN.setIdent(name, nameStr); ident := addIdent(unit, name, idTYPE); ident._type := _type END; upper := nameStr; STRINGS.UpCase(upper); SCAN.setIdent(name, upper); ident := addIdent(unit, name, idTYPE); ident._type := _type END enter; BEGIN enter(unit, "integer", program.stTypes.tINTEGER); enter(unit, "byte", program.stTypes.tBYTE); enter(unit, "char", program.stTypes.tCHAR); enter(unit, "set", program.stTypes.tSET); enter(unit, "boolean", program.stTypes.tBOOLEAN); IF TARGETS.RealSize # 0 THEN enter(unit, "real", program.stTypes.tREAL) END; IF TARGETS.BitDepth >= 32 THEN enter(unit, "wchar", program.stTypes.tWCHAR) END END enterStTypes; PROCEDURE enterStProcs (unit: UNIT); PROCEDURE Enter (unit: UNIT; nameStr: SCAN.IDSTR; nfunc, tfunc: INTEGER); VAR ident: IDENT; upper: SCAN.IDSTR; name: SCAN.IDENT; BEGIN IF LowerCase THEN SCAN.setIdent(name, nameStr); ident := addIdent(unit, name, tfunc); ident.stproc := nfunc; ident._type := program.stTypes.tNONE END; upper := nameStr; STRINGS.UpCase(upper); SCAN.setIdent(name, upper); ident := addIdent(unit, name, tfunc); ident.stproc := nfunc; ident._type := program.stTypes.tNONE END Enter; BEGIN Enter(unit, "assert", stASSERT, idSTPROC); Enter(unit, "dec", stDEC, idSTPROC); Enter(unit, "excl", stEXCL, idSTPROC); Enter(unit, "inc", stINC, idSTPROC); Enter(unit, "incl", stINCL, idSTPROC); Enter(unit, "new", stNEW, idSTPROC); Enter(unit, "copy", stCOPY, idSTPROC); Enter(unit, "abs", stABS, idSTFUNC); Enter(unit, "asr", stASR, idSTFUNC); Enter(unit, "chr", stCHR, idSTFUNC); Enter(unit, "len", stLEN, idSTFUNC); Enter(unit, "lsl", stLSL, idSTFUNC); Enter(unit, "odd", stODD, idSTFUNC); Enter(unit, "ord", stORD, idSTFUNC); Enter(unit, "ror", stROR, idSTFUNC); Enter(unit, "bits", stBITS, idSTFUNC); Enter(unit, "lsr", stLSR, idSTFUNC); Enter(unit, "length", stLENGTH, idSTFUNC); Enter(unit, "min", stMIN, idSTFUNC); Enter(unit, "max", stMAX, idSTFUNC); IF TARGETS.RealSize # 0 THEN Enter(unit, "pack", stPACK, idSTPROC); Enter(unit, "unpk", stUNPK, idSTPROC); Enter(unit, "floor", stFLOOR, idSTFUNC); Enter(unit, "flt", stFLT, idSTFUNC) END; IF TARGETS.BitDepth >= 32 THEN Enter(unit, "wchr", stWCHR, idSTFUNC) END; IF TARGETS.Dispose THEN Enter(unit, "dispose", stDISPOSE, idSTPROC) END END enterStProcs; PROCEDURE newUnit* (name: SCAN.IDENT): UNIT; VAR unit: UNIT; BEGIN NEW(unit); unit.name := name; unit.closed := FALSE; unit.idents := LISTS.create(NIL); unit.frwPointers := LISTS.create(NIL); ASSERT(openScope(unit, NIL)); enterStTypes(unit); enterStProcs(unit); ASSERT(openScope(unit, NIL)); unit.gscope := unit.idents.last(IDENT); LISTS.push(program.units, unit); unit.scopeLvl := 0; unit.scopes[0] := NIL; unit.sysimport := FALSE; IF unit.name.s = UTILS.RTL_NAME THEN program.rtl := unit END RETURN unit END newUnit; PROCEDURE getField* (self: _TYPE; name: SCAN.IDENT; unit: UNIT): FIELD; VAR field: FIELD; BEGIN ASSERT(self # NIL); ASSERT(unit # NIL); field := NIL; WHILE (self # NIL) & (field = NIL) DO field := self.fields.first(FIELD); WHILE (field # NIL) & ~IdEq(field.name, name) DO field := field.next(FIELD) END; IF field = NIL THEN self := self.base END END; IF (field # NIL) & (self.unit # unit) & ~field.export THEN field := NIL END RETURN field END getField; PROCEDURE addField* (self: _TYPE; name: SCAN.IDENT; export: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN; VAR field: FIELD; res: BOOLEAN; BEGIN res := getField(self, name, self.unit) = NIL; IF res THEN NEW(field); field.name := name; field.export := export; field._type := NIL; field.offset := self.size; LISTS.push(self.fields, field) END RETURN res END addField; PROCEDURE setFields* (self: _TYPE; _type: _TYPE): BOOLEAN; VAR item: FIELD; res: BOOLEAN; BEGIN ASSERT(_type # NIL); item := self.fields.first(FIELD); WHILE (item # NIL) & (item._type # NIL) DO item := item.next(FIELD) END; res := TRUE; WHILE res & (item # NIL) & (item._type = NIL) DO item._type := _type; IF ~self.noalign THEN res := UTILS.Align(self.size, _type.align) ELSE res := TRUE END; item.offset := self.size; res := res & (UTILS.maxint - self.size >= _type.size); IF res THEN INC(self.size, _type.size) END; item := item.next(FIELD) END RETURN res END setFields; PROCEDURE getParam* (self: _TYPE; name: SCAN.IDENT): PARAM; VAR item: PARAM; BEGIN item := self.params.first(PARAM); WHILE (item # NIL) & ~IdEq(item.name, name) DO item := item.next(PARAM) END RETURN item END getParam; PROCEDURE addParam* (self: _TYPE; name: SCAN.IDENT; vPar: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN; VAR param: PARAM; res: BOOLEAN; BEGIN res := getParam(self, name) = NIL; IF res THEN NEW(param); param.name := name; param._type := NIL; param.vPar := vPar; LISTS.push(self.params, param) END RETURN res END addParam; PROCEDURE Dim* (t: _TYPE): INTEGER; VAR res: INTEGER; BEGIN res := 0; WHILE isOpenArray(t) DO t := t.base; INC(res) END RETURN res END Dim; PROCEDURE OpenBase* (t: _TYPE): _TYPE; BEGIN WHILE isOpenArray(t) DO t := t.base END RETURN t END OpenBase; PROCEDURE getFloatParamsPos* (self: _TYPE; maxoffs: INTEGER; VAR int, flt: INTEGER): SET; VAR res: SET; param: PARAM; BEGIN res := {}; int := 0; flt := 0; param := self.params.first(PARAM); WHILE (param # NIL) & (param.offset <= maxoffs + STACK_FRAME) DO IF ~param.vPar & (param._type.typ = tREAL) THEN INCL(res, param.offset - STACK_FRAME); INC(flt) END; param := param.next(PARAM) END; int := self.parSize - flt RETURN res END getFloatParamsPos; PROCEDURE setParams* (self: _TYPE; _type: _TYPE); VAR item: LISTS.ITEM; param: PARAM; word, size: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(_type # NIL); word := UTILS.target.bit_depth DIV 8; item := self.params.first; WHILE (item # NIL) & (item(PARAM)._type # NIL) DO item := item.next END; WHILE (item # NIL) & (item(PARAM)._type = NIL) DO param := item(PARAM); param._type := _type; IF param.vPar THEN IF _type.typ = tRECORD THEN size := 2 ELSIF isOpenArray(_type) THEN size := Dim(_type) + 1 ELSE size := 1 END; param.offset := self.parSize + ORD(_type.typ = tRECORD) + Dim(_type) + STACK_FRAME; INC(self.parSize, size) ELSE IF _type.typ IN {tRECORD, tARRAY} THEN IF isOpenArray(_type) THEN size := Dim(_type) + 1 ELSE size := 1 END ELSE size := _type.size; ASSERT(UTILS.Align(size, word)); size := size DIV word END; param.offset := self.parSize + Dim(_type) + STACK_FRAME; INC(self.parSize, size) END; item := item.next END END setParams; PROCEDURE enterType* (typ, size, length: INTEGER; unit: UNIT): _TYPE; VAR t: _TYPE; BEGIN NEW(t); t.typ := typ; t.size := size; t.length := length; t.align := 0; t.base := NIL; t.fields := LISTS.create(NIL); t.params := LISTS.create(NIL); t.unit := unit; t.num := 0; CASE TARGETS.BitDepth OF |16: t.call := default16 |32: t.call := default32 |64: t.call := default64 END; t._import := FALSE; t.noalign := FALSE; t.parSize := 0; IF typ IN {tARRAY, tRECORD} THEN t.closed := FALSE; IF typ = tRECORD THEN INC(program.recCount); t.num := program.recCount END ELSE t.closed := TRUE END; LISTS.push(program.types, t) RETURN t END enterType; PROCEDURE getType* (typ: INTEGER): _TYPE; VAR res: _TYPE; BEGIN CASE typ OF |ARITH.tINTEGER: res := program.stTypes.tINTEGER |ARITH.tREAL: res := program.stTypes.tREAL |ARITH.tSET: res := program.stTypes.tSET |ARITH.tBOOLEAN: res := program.stTypes.tBOOLEAN |ARITH.tCHAR: res := program.stTypes.tCHAR |ARITH.tWCHAR: res := program.stTypes.tWCHAR |ARITH.tSTRING: res := program.stTypes.tSTRING END RETURN res END getType; PROCEDURE createSysUnit; VAR ident: IDENT; unit: UNIT; name: SCAN.IDENT; PROCEDURE EnterProc (sys: UNIT; nameStr: SCAN.IDSTR; idtyp, proc: INTEGER); VAR ident: IDENT; upper: SCAN.IDSTR; name: SCAN.IDENT; BEGIN IF LowerCase THEN SCAN.setIdent(name, nameStr); ident := addIdent(sys, name, idtyp); ident.stproc := proc; ident._type := program.stTypes.tNONE; ident.export := TRUE END; upper := nameStr; STRINGS.UpCase(upper); SCAN.setIdent(name, upper); ident := addIdent(sys, name, idtyp); ident.stproc := proc; ident._type := program.stTypes.tNONE; ident.export := TRUE END EnterProc; BEGIN SCAN.setIdent(name, "$SYSTEM"); unit := newUnit(name); unit.fname := "SYSTEM"; EnterProc(unit, "adr", idSYSFUNC, sysADR); EnterProc(unit, "size", idSYSFUNC, sysSIZE); EnterProc(unit, "sadr", idSYSFUNC, sysSADR); EnterProc(unit, "typeid", idSYSFUNC, sysTYPEID); EnterProc(unit, "get", idSYSPROC, sysGET); EnterProc(unit, "get8", idSYSPROC, sysGET8); EnterProc(unit, "put", idSYSPROC, sysPUT); EnterProc(unit, "put8", idSYSPROC, sysPUT8); EnterProc(unit, "code", idSYSPROC, sysCODE); EnterProc(unit, "move", idSYSPROC, sysMOVE); (* IF program.target.sys = mConst.Target_iMSP430 THEN EnterProc(unit, "nop", idSYSPROC, sysNOP); EnterProc(unit, "eint", idSYSPROC, sysEINT); EnterProc(unit, "dint", idSYSPROC, sysDINT) END; *) IF TARGETS.RealSize # 0 THEN EnterProc(unit, "inf", idSYSFUNC, sysINF); END; IF TARGETS.CPU IN {TARGETS.cpuX86, TARGETS.cpuAMD64} THEN EnterProc(unit, "copy", idSYSPROC, sysCOPY) END; IF TARGETS.BitDepth >= 32 THEN EnterProc(unit, "wsadr", idSYSFUNC, sysWSADR); EnterProc(unit, "put16", idSYSPROC, sysPUT16); EnterProc(unit, "put32", idSYSPROC, sysPUT32); EnterProc(unit, "get16", idSYSPROC, sysGET16); EnterProc(unit, "get32", idSYSPROC, sysGET32); IF LowerCase THEN SCAN.setIdent(name, "card32"); ident := addIdent(unit, name, idTYPE); ident._type := program.stTypes.tCARD32; ident.export := TRUE END; SCAN.setIdent(name, "CARD32"); ident := addIdent(unit, name, idTYPE); ident._type := program.stTypes.tCARD32; ident.export := TRUE; END; closeUnit(unit); program.sysunit := unit END createSysUnit; PROCEDURE DelUnused* (DelImport: DELIMPORT); VAR proc: PROC; flag: BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE process (proc: PROC); VAR used_proc: LISTS.ITEM; BEGIN proc.processed := TRUE; used_proc := proc.using.first; WHILE used_proc # NIL DO used_proc(USED_PROC).proc.used := TRUE; used_proc := used_proc.next END END process; BEGIN REPEAT flag := FALSE; proc := program.procs.first(PROC); WHILE proc # NIL DO IF proc.used & ~proc.processed THEN process(proc); flag := TRUE END; proc := proc.next(PROC) END UNTIL ~flag; proc := program.procs.first(PROC); WHILE proc # NIL DO IF ~proc.used THEN IF proc._import = NIL THEN IL.delete2(proc.enter, proc.leave) ELSE DelImport(proc._import) END END; proc := proc.next(PROC) END END DelUnused; PROCEDURE ResetLocSize*; BEGIN program.locsize := 0 END ResetLocSize; PROCEDURE create* (options: OPTIONS); BEGIN LowerCase := options.lower; SCAN.init(options.lower); idents := C.create(); UTILS.SetBitDepth(TARGETS.BitDepth, TARGETS.RealSize = 8); program.options := options; CASE TARGETS.OS OF |TARGETS.osWIN32: program.sysflags := {sf_oberon, sf_windows, sf_stdcall, sf_cdecl, sf_ccall, sf_noalign} |TARGETS.osLINUX32: program.sysflags := {sf_oberon, sf_linux, sf_stdcall, sf_cdecl, sf_ccall, sf_noalign} |TARGETS.osKOS: program.sysflags := {sf_oberon, sf_stdcall, sf_cdecl, sf_ccall, sf_noalign} |TARGETS.osWIN64: program.sysflags := {sf_oberon, sf_windows, sf_win64, sf_systemv, sf_ccall, sf_noalign} |TARGETS.osLINUX64: program.sysflags := {sf_oberon, sf_linux, sf_win64, sf_systemv, sf_ccall, sf_noalign} |TARGETS.osNONE: program.sysflags := {sf_code} END; program.recCount := -1; program.bss := 0; program.units := LISTS.create(NIL); program.types := LISTS.create(NIL); program.procs := LISTS.create(NIL); program.stTypes.tINTEGER := enterType(tINTEGER, TARGETS.WordSize, 0, NIL); program.stTypes.tBYTE := enterType(tBYTE, 1, 0, NIL); program.stTypes.tCHAR := enterType(tCHAR, 1, 0, NIL); program.stTypes.tSET := enterType(tSET, TARGETS.WordSize, 0, NIL); program.stTypes.tBOOLEAN := enterType(tBOOLEAN, 1, 0, NIL); program.stTypes.tINTEGER.align := TARGETS.WordSize; program.stTypes.tBYTE.align := 1; program.stTypes.tCHAR.align := 1; program.stTypes.tSET.align := TARGETS.WordSize; program.stTypes.tBOOLEAN.align := 1; IF TARGETS.BitDepth >= 32 THEN program.stTypes.tWCHAR := enterType(tWCHAR, 2, 0, NIL); program.stTypes.tCARD32 := enterType(tCARD32, 4, 0, NIL); program.stTypes.tWCHAR.align := 2; program.stTypes.tCARD32.align := 4 END; IF TARGETS.RealSize # 0 THEN program.stTypes.tREAL := enterType(tREAL, TARGETS.RealSize, 0, NIL); program.stTypes.tREAL.align := TARGETS.RealSize END; program.stTypes.tSTRING := enterType(tSTRING, TARGETS.WordSize, 0, NIL); program.stTypes.tNIL := enterType(tNIL, TARGETS.WordSize, 0, NIL); program.stTypes.tNONE := enterType(tNONE, 0, 0, NIL); program.stTypes.tANYREC := enterType(tRECORD, 0, 0, NIL); program.stTypes.tANYREC.closed := TRUE; createSysUnit END create; END PROG.