(* Copyright 2021-2023 Anton Krotov This file is part of CEdit. CEdit is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. CEdit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with CEdit. If not, see . *) MODULE Toolbar; IMPORT Icons, K := KolibriOS; CONST max = 14; BtnSize* = 26; BtnInter = 5; DelimSize = 7; IconPad = (BtnSize - Icons.SIZE) DIV 2; TYPE tButtonText = ARRAY 4 OF CHAR; tButton = RECORD btn, icon, x: INTEGER; text: tButtonText; enabled: BOOLEAN END; tToolbar* = RECORD buttons: ARRAY max OF tButton; x, y, cnt, width: INTEGER; icons, grayIcons: INTEGER; colors: RECORD back, text, disText, light, shadow, window: INTEGER END END; PROCEDURE drawIcons* (toolbar: tToolbar); VAR i, icons, color: INTEGER; button: tButton; BEGIN i := 0; WHILE i < toolbar.cnt DO button := toolbar.buttons[i]; IF button.btn # 0 THEN IF button.enabled THEN icons := toolbar.icons; color := toolbar.colors.text ELSE icons := toolbar.grayIcons; color := toolbar.colors.disText END; IF button.icon # -1 THEN Icons.draw(icons, button.icon, button.x + IconPad, toolbar.y + IconPad) ELSE K.DrawRect(button.x + 1, toolbar.y + 1, BtnSize - 1, BtnSize - 1, toolbar.colors.back); K.DrawText69(button.x + (BtnSize - LENGTH(button.text)*6) DIV 2, toolbar.y + (BtnSize - 9) DIV 2 + 2, color, button.text) END END; INC(i) END END drawIcons; PROCEDURE setColors (VAR toolbar: tToolbar); BEGIN toolbar.colors.back := 0F2EFECH; toolbar.colors.text := 00000FFH; toolbar.colors.disText := 0808080H; toolbar.colors.light := 0FEFEFEH; toolbar.colors.shadow := 09F9C9AH; toolbar.colors.window := K.colors.work END setColors; PROCEDURE draw* (VAR toolbar: tToolbar); VAR i, x, y, btn: INTEGER; button: tButton; BEGIN setColors(toolbar); IF (toolbar.icons = 0) OR (toolbar.grayIcons = 0) THEN Icons.get(toolbar.icons, toolbar.grayIcons, toolbar.colors.back) END; i := 0; WHILE i < toolbar.cnt DO button := toolbar.buttons[i]; btn := button.btn; IF btn # 0 THEN x := button.x; y := toolbar.y; K.DrawRect(x + 1, y + 1, BtnSize, BtnSize - 1, toolbar.colors.back); K.DrawLine(x + 1, y + BtnSize, x + BtnSize - 1, y + BtnSize, toolbar.colors.shadow); K.DrawLine(x + 1, y, x + BtnSize - 1, y, toolbar.colors.light); K.DrawLine(x, y + 1, x, y + BtnSize - 1, toolbar.colors.light); K.PutPixel(x + BtnSize, y + 1, toolbar.colors.light); K.PutPixel(x, y + BtnSize - 1, toolbar.colors.shadow); K.PutPixel(x + BtnSize, y + BtnSize - 1, toolbar.colors.shadow); K.CreateButton(btn + ORD({30}), x, y, BtnSize, BtnSize, 0, "") END; INC(i) END; drawIcons(toolbar) END draw; PROCEDURE enable* (VAR toolbar: tToolbar; btn: INTEGER; value: BOOLEAN); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 0; WHILE (i < toolbar.cnt) & (toolbar.buttons[i].btn # btn) DO INC(i) END; IF i < toolbar.cnt THEN toolbar.buttons[i].enabled := value END END enable; PROCEDURE add* (VAR toolbar: tToolbar; btn, icon: INTEGER; text: tButtonText); VAR button: tButton; BEGIN ASSERT(toolbar.cnt < max); button.btn := btn; button.icon := icon; button.x := toolbar.width + toolbar.x; button.text := text; button.enabled := TRUE; toolbar.buttons[toolbar.cnt] := button; INC(toolbar.cnt); IF btn # 0 THEN INC(toolbar.width, BtnSize + BtnInter) ELSE INC(toolbar.width, DelimSize) END END add; PROCEDURE delimiter* (VAR toolbar: tToolbar); BEGIN add(toolbar, 0, 0, "") END delimiter; PROCEDURE create* (VAR toolbar: tToolbar; x, y: INTEGER); BEGIN toolbar.x := x; toolbar.y := y; toolbar.cnt := 0; toolbar.width := 0; toolbar.icons := 0; toolbar.grayIcons := 0; END create; END Toolbar.