forked from KolibriOS/kolibrios
1) Transfer of parameters to functions of library is copied on the convention stdcall. 2) Now functions link on names. 3)Now, if to guide the mouse on a component and to press the left button of the mouse all messages from the mouse are sent only to this component.If to release(let off) the left button of the mouse messages from the mouse again become accessible to all components. 4) In library new functions are added. int Version (void) - to receive the version of library. The version comes back in a format: year + month + day. The current library has version 71014. void RemoveComponent (void *Control, int new_x, int new_y) - moves a component to new coordinates. void ResizeComponent (void *Control, int new_sizex, int new_sizey) - changes the size of a component. Examples of use of these functions look in example Bookmark. 5) The example of work with libGUI in programming language C is added. This example is a part of the interface written by me for my scientific program. git-svn-id: svn:// a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
363 lines
7.3 KiB
363 lines
7.3 KiB
; This is example of using GUI component Image from libGUI.
include ''
db 'MENUET01'
dd 1
dd start
dd i_end
dd 7*1024+100
dd 7*1024+100
dd 0
dd path
;init hepe of memory
mcall 68,11
;set current dir as ./
call GetPath
;load dll
mcall 68,19,path
test eax,eax
jnz libGUI_loaded
mcall 68,19,sys_libGUI_path
test eax,eax
jnz libGUI_loaded
mcall -1
mov [myexport],eax
;load dll functions
push fnDestroyControl
push [myexport]
call _ksys_cofflib_getproc
mov [destroy_control],eax
push fnSendMessage
push [myexport]
call _ksys_cofflib_getproc
mov [send_message],eax
push fnCraeteButton
push [myexport]
call _ksys_cofflib_getproc
mov [crate_button],eax
push fnCraeteImage
push [myexport]
call _ksys_cofflib_getproc
mov [crate_image],eax
;set events mask
mcall 40,1100111b
;get standart colors table
mcall 48,3,ColorsTable,40
;****************Init Butttons****************
mov ecx,[ColorsTable+8]
and ecx,0xffffff
mov [Button1.type],byte 10010001b
mov [Button1.x],10
mov [Button1.y],50
mov [Button1.width],word 70
mov [Button1.height],word 20
mov [Button1.color1],dword ecx
mov [Button1.color2],dword 0xffffff
mov [Button1.text],text1
push Button1
push Parend
call [crate_button]
mov [PointerToControlForButtonExit],eax
;******************Init Image****************
mov [Image.type],byte 10000000b
mov [Image.x],25
mov [Image.y],5
mov [Image.sizex],40
mov [Image.sizey],40
mov [Image.pointer],Picture
push Image
push Parend
call [crate_image]
mov [PointerToControlForImage],eax
call draw_window
;send message 1 for redrawing ALL controls
mov [Message],dword 1
push Message
push Parend
call [send_message]
mcall 10
;check for redraw window
cmp eax,1
jne no_window
call draw_window
mov [Message],1
push Message
push Parend
call [send_message]
jmp still
;check for keys events
cmp eax,2
jne no_keys
mcall 2
shr eax,8
mov [Message],dword 2
mov [Message+4],eax
push Message
push Parend
call [send_message]
mov eax,[Message+4]
cmp al,27
je exit
jmp still
;check for pressed butons
cmp eax,3
jne no_buttons
mcall 17
shr eax,8
jmp still
;check for mouse events
cmp eax,6
jne no_mouse
mov [Message],dword 6
mcall 37,1
mov ebx,eax
shr eax,16 ;x
and ebx,0xffff ;y
mov [Message+4],eax
mov [Message+8],ebx
mcall 37,2
mov [Message+12],eax
;send system events to control
push Message
push Parend
call [send_message]
mov eax,[PointerToControlForButtonExit]
xor ebx,ebx
mov bl,byte[eax+45]
cmp bl,11b
jne no_crossing_pressing_button
mov [button_pressed],1
xor ebx,ebx
mov bl,byte[eax+45]
cmp bl,1b
jne no_crossing_button
cmp [button_pressed],1
jne no_crossing_button
jmp exit
jmp still
jmp still
push [PointerToControlForButtonExit]
call [destroy_control]
push [PointerToControlForImage]
call [destroy_control]
mcall -1
;*******************Draw window****************
mcall 12,1
xor eax,eax
mov ebx,50
mov ecx,50
shl ebx,16
shl ecx,16
add ebx,100
add ecx,100
mov edx,0x03aabbcc
mov esi,0x805080d0
mov edi,0x005080d0
mcall 12,2
mov ebx,255
mov ecx,path
mov edx,ecx
add edx,ebx
xor eax,eax
mov al,[edx]
cmp eax,'/'
je exit_path
dec ebx
jnz next_symvol
inc edx
mov esi,dll_name
mov edi,edx
mov ecx,10
rep movsb
include 'getproc.asm'
align 4
dll_name db 'libGUI.obj',0
sys_libGUI_path db '/sys/lib/libGUI.obj',0
text1 db 'Exit',0
fnDestroyControl db 'DestroyControl',0
fnSendMessage db 'SendMessage',0
fnCraeteButton db 'CraeteButton',0
fnCraeteImage db 'CraeteImage',0
myexport dd 0
destroy_control dd 0
send_message dd 0
crate_button dd 0
crate_image dd 0
PointerToControlForButtonExit dd 0
PointerToControlForImage dd 0
button_pressed dd 0
path rb 256
Parend: dd 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ;44 bytes
Message rd 4
ColorsTable rd 10
struc BUTTON
.type db 1
.flag db 1
.x dw 1
.y dw 1
.width dw 1
.height dw 1
.image dd 1
.imageX dw 1
.imageY dw 1
.imageSizeX dw 1
.imageSizeY dw 1
.transparentColor dd 1
.text dd 1
.textX dw 1
.textY dw 1
.textcolor dd 1
.color1 dd 1
.color2 dd 1
.mouseX dw 1
.mouseY dw 1
struc IMAGE
.type rb 1
.flag rb 1
.color rd 1
.x rd 1
.y rd 1
.sizex rd 1
.sizey rd 1
.pointer rd 1
Button1 BUTTON
untibug: rb 1000
file 'koslogo.raw'