Stub for simple PPPoE dialer

git-svn-id: svn:// a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
This commit is contained in:
hidnplayr 2012-08-30 16:11:36 +00:00
parent df4d790daf
commit 761cdb63f8

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@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2012. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; pppoe.asm - PPPoE dialer for KolibriOS ;;
;; ;;
;; Written by ;;
;; ;;
;; Version 2, June 1991 ;;
;; ;;
format binary as ""
db 'MENUET01' ; signature
dd 1 ; header version
dd start ; entry point
dd i_end ; initialized size
dd mem ; required memory
dd mem ; stack pointer
dd 0 ; parameters
dd 0 ; path
include '../'
purge mov,add,sub
include '../'
include '../'
include '../'
include '../'
; PPP Active Discovery...
PPPoE_PADI = 0x09 ; .. Initiation
PPPoE_PADO = 0x07 ; .. Offer
PPPoE_PADR = 0x19 ; .. Request
PPPoE_PADS = 0x65 ; .. Session-confirmation
PPPoE_PADT = 0xa7 ; .. Terminate
struct PPPoE_frame
VersionAndType db ?
Code db ?
SessionID dw ?
Length dw ? ; Length of payload, does NOT include the length PPPoE header.
Payload rb 0
; entry point
; load libraries
stdcall dll.Load, @IMPORT
test eax, eax
jnz exit
; initialize console
push 1
call [con_start]
push title
push 25
push 80
push 25
push 80
call [con_init]
mcall 40, 1 shl 7
call [con_cls]
; Welcome user
push str1
call [con_write_asciiz]
mcall socket, 777, 3, 666
mov [socketnum], eax
mcall send, [socketnum], PADI, 14 + 6 + 4, 0
mcall 10
call [con_get_flags]
test eax, 0x200 ; con window closed?
jnz close_conn
mcall recv, [socketnum], buffer, 4096
cmp eax, 20
jb .recv
cmp [buffer + 14 + PPPoE_frame.Code], PPPoE_PADO
je .pado
cmp [buffer + 14 + PPPoE_frame.Code], PPPoE_PADS
je .pads
cmp [buffer + 14 + PPPoE_frame.Code], PPPoE_PADT
je .padt
jmp .recv
push str2
call [con_write_asciiz]
lea esi, [buffer + 6] ; source mac -> dest mac
lea edi, [buffer]
mov byte [buffer + 15], PPPoE_PADR ; change packet type to PADR
mov al, byte [buffer + 19] ; get packet size
mov ah, byte [buffer + 18]
movzx esi, ax
add esi, 20
mcall send, [socketnum], buffer, , 0 ; now send it!
jmp .recv
push str3
call [con_write_asciiz]
mov edx, dword [buffer + 6] ; copy the MAC address
mov si, word [buffer + 6 +4]
mov dword [PADT.mac], edx
mov word [PADT.mac + 4], si
mov cx, word [buffer + 6 + 2] ; and Session ID
mov [PADT.sid], cx
mcall 75, API_PPPOE + 0 ; Start PPPoE session
jmp .recv
push str4
call [con_write_asciiz]
mcall 75, API_PPPOE + 1
mcall close, [socketnum]
mcall -1
mcall send, [socketnum], PADT, 14 + 6, 0
jmp exit
; data
title db 'PPPoE',0
str1 db 'Sending PADI',13,10,0
str2 db 'Got PADO',13,10,'Sending PADR',13,10,0
str3 db 'Got PADS',13,10,'starting PPPoE session',13,10,0
str4 db 'Got PADT - connection terminated by Access Concentrator',13,10,0
dp -1 ; dest mac
dp 0 ; source mac (overwritten by kernel)
dw 0 ; type (overwritten by kernel)
db 0x11
dw 0 ; session ID
dw 4 shl 8
dw 0x0101 ; service name tag with zero length
dw 0x0000
.mac dp 0
dp 0
dw 0
db 0x11
.sid dw 0
dw 0
; import
align 4
library console, 'console.obj'
import console, \
con_start, 'START', \
con_init, 'con_init', \
con_write_asciiz, 'con_write_asciiz', \
con_exit, 'con_exit', \
con_gets, 'con_gets',\
con_cls, 'con_cls',\
con_getch2, 'con_getch2',\
con_set_cursor_pos, 'con_set_cursor_pos',\
con_write_string, 'con_write_string',\
con_get_flags, 'con_get_flags'
socketnum dd ?
buffer rb 4096
rb 4096 ; stack