DHCP client now sends MAC address to dhcp server.

It also uses new system functions 53-10 and 53-11

Link-local ip support is under construction (problem with kernel ARP functions)

git-svn-id: svn://kolibrios.org@336 a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
This commit is contained in:
hidnplayr 2007-02-10 14:01:21 +00:00
parent 21572e62ae
commit ef27b83e97
4 changed files with 1298 additions and 422 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,619 @@
; made by hidnplayr (hidnplayr@gmail.com) for KolibriOS
; The given code before every macro is only a simple example
; v1.0: august 2006 original release
; v1.1: december 2006 bugfixes and improvements
; v1.2: februari 2007 more bugfixes and improvements
macro mov arg1,arg2 {
if arg1 eq arg2
mov arg1,arg2
end if
macro eth.get_IP IP {
mov ebx,1
mov eax,52
int 0x40
mov IP ,eax
macro eth.get_GATEWAY GATEWAY {
mov ebx,9
mov eax,52
int 0x40
mov GATEWAY ,eax
macro eth.get_SUBNET SUBNET {
mov ebx,10
mov eax,52
int 0x40
mov SUBNET ,eax
macro eth.get_DNS DNS {
mov ebx,13
mov eax,52
int 0x40
mov DNS ,eax
macro eth.set_IP IP {
mov ecx,IP
mov ebx,3
mov eax,52
int 0x40
macro eth.set_GATEWAY GATEWAY {
mov ecx,GATEWAY
mov ebx,11
mov eax,52
int 0x40
macro eth.set_SUBNET SUBNET {
mov ecx,SUBNET
mov ebx,12
mov eax,52
int 0x40
macro eth.set_DNS DNS {
mov ecx,DNS
mov ebx,14
mov eax,52
int 0x40
macro eth.open_udp local,remote,ip,socket {
mov ecx, local
mov edx, remote
mov esi, ip
mov ebx, 0
mov eax, 53
int 0x40
mov socket,eax
macro eth.close_udp socket {
mov ecx, socket
mov ebx, 1
mov eax, 53
int 0x40
macro eth.poll socket {
mov ecx, socket
mov ebx, 2
mov eax, 53
int 0x40
macro eth.read_byte socket, result {
mov ecx, socket
mov ebx, 3
mov eax, 53
int 0x40
mov result,bl
macro eth.read_packet socket, result, buffersize {
mov esi, buffersize
mov edx, result
mov ecx, socket
mov ebx, 11
mov eax, 53
int 0x40
macro eth.write_udp socket,length,msg,verify {
mov ecx, socket
mov edx, length
mov esi, msg
mov ebx, 4
mov eax, 53
int 0x40
if verify eq 1
call verifysend
end if
test eax,eax
jnz @f
mov eax,5
mov ebx,100
int 0x40
int 0x40
macro eth.open_tcp local,remote,ip,passive,socket {
mov ecx, local
mov edx, remote
mov esi, ip
mov edi, passive ; 0 = PASSIVE open
mov ebx, 5
mov eax, 53
int 0x40
mov socket,eax
macro eth.socket_status socket,result {
mov ecx, socket
mov ebx, 6
mov eax, 53
int 0x40
mov result,eax
macro eth.write_tcp socket,length,msg,verify {
mov ecx, socket
mov edx, length
mov esi, msg
mov ebx, 7
mov eax, 53
int 0x40
if verify eq 1
call verifysend
end if
macro eth.read_mac mac {
mov eax, 52
mov ebx, 15
xor ecx, ecx
int 0x40
mov dword[mac],eax
add cl, 4
int 0x40
mov word[mac+4],ax
macro eth.close_tcp socket {
mov ecx, socket
mov ebx, 8
mov eax, 53
int 0x40
macro eth.check_port port,result {
mov ecx, port
mov ebx, 9
mov eax, 53
int 0x40
mov result,eax
macro eth.check_cable result {
mov ebx, 10
mov eax, 53
int 0x40
mov result,eax
macro eth.status status {
mov ebx, 255
mov ecx, 6
mov eax, 53
int 0x40
mov status,eax
macro eth.search_port port,result {
mov edx,port
inc edx
eth.check_port edx,eax
cmp eax,0
je @r
mov result,edx
macro eth.ARP_PROBE address{
mov edx,address
mov eax,52
mov ebx,16
xor ecx,ecx
int 0x40
macro eth.ARP_ANNOUNCE address{
mov edx,address
mov eax,52
mov ebx,16
xor ecx,ecx
inc ecx
int 0x40
macro eth.read_data socket,dest,endptr,bufferl {
local .getdata,.loop,.end
mov eax, dest
mov endptr, eax
cmp endptr, bufferl
jg .end
eth.read_packet socket, endptr, bufferl
add endptr,eax
test eax, eax
jnz .getdata
xor edx, edx
eth.poll socket
test eax, eax
jnz .getdata
mov eax,5
mov ebx,1
int 0x40
inc edx
cmp edx,30
jl .loop
macro eth.wait_for_data socket,TIMEOUT,abort {
mov edx,TIMEOUT
eth.poll socket
cmp eax,0
jne @f
dec edx
jz abort
mov eax,5 ; wait here for event
mov ebx,10
int 0x40
jmp @r
; The function 'resolve' resolves the address in edx and puts the resulting IP in eax.
; When the input is an IP-adress, the function will output this IP in eax.
; If something goes wrong, the result in eax should be 0
; example:
; resolve query1,IP,PORT
; resolve '',IP,PORT
; resolve query2,IP,PORT
; query1 db 'www.google.com',0
; query2 db '',0
; IP dd ?
; PORT dd ?
macro resolve query,result {
if query eqtype 0
mov edx,query
local ..string, ..label
jmp ..label
..string db query,0
mov edx,..string
end if
call __resolve
mov result,eax
if used __resolve
if __DEBUG__ eq 1
DEBUGF 1,'DNS: Resolving started\n'
end if
; This code validates if the query is an IP containing 4 numbers and 3 dots
push edx ; push edx (query address) onto stack
xor al, al ; make al (dot count) zero
cmp byte[edx],'0' ; check if this byte is a number, if not jump to no_IP
jl no_IP ;
cmp byte[edx],'9' ;
jg no_IP ;
inc edx ; the byte was a number, so lets check the next byte
cmp byte[edx],0 ; is this byte zero? (have we reached end of query?)
jz @f ; jump to next @@ then
cmp byte[edx],':'
jz @f
cmp byte[edx],'.' ; is this byte a dot?
jne @r ; if not, jump to previous @@
inc al ; the byte was a dot so increment al(dot count)
inc edx ; next byte
jmp @r ; lets check for numbers again (jump to previous @@)
@@: ; we reach this when end of query reached
cmp al,3 ; check if there where 3 dots
jnz no_IP ; if not, jump to no_IP (this is where the DNS will take over)
; The following code will convert this IP into a dword and output it in eax
; If there is also a port number specified, this will be returned in ebx, otherwise ebx is -1
pop esi ; edx (query address) was pushed onto stack and is now popped in esi
xor edx, edx ; result
xor eax, eax ; current character
xor ebx, ebx ; current byte
shl edx, 8
add edx, ebx
xor ebx, ebx
test eax, eax
jz .finish
cmp al, '.'
jz .outer_loop
sub eax, '0'
imul ebx, 10
add ebx, eax
jmp .inner_loop
shl edx, 8
add edx, ebx
bswap edx ; we want little endian order
mov eax, edx
pop edx
; The query is not an IP address, we will send the query to a DNS server and hope for answer ;)
if __DEBUG__ eq 1
DEBUGF 1,'DNS: The query is no ip, Building request string from:%u\n',edx
end if
; Build the request string
mov eax, 0x00010100
mov [dnsMsg], eax
mov eax, 0x00000100
mov [dnsMsg+4], eax
mov eax, 0x00000000
mov [dnsMsg+8], eax
; domain name goes in at dnsMsg+12
mov esi, dnsMsg + 12 ; location of label length
mov edi, dnsMsg + 13 ; label start
mov ecx, 12 ; total string length so far
mov [esi], byte 0
inc ecx
mov al, [edx]
cmp al, 0
je td001 ; we have finished the string translation
cmp al, '.'
je td004 ; we have finished the label
inc byte [esi]
inc ecx
mov [edi], al
inc edi
inc edx
jmp td0021
mov esi, edi
inc edi
inc edx
jmp td002
; write label len + label text
mov [edi], byte 0
inc ecx
inc edi
mov [edi], dword 0x01000100
add ecx, 4
mov [dnsMsgLen], ecx ; We'll need the length of the message when we send it
; Now, lets send this and wait for an answer
eth.search_port 1024,edx ; Find a free port starting from 1025 and store in edx
eth.get_DNS esi ; Read DNS IP from stack into esi
eth.open_udp edx,53,esi,[socketNum] ; First, open socket
if __DEBUG__ eq 1
DEBUGF 1,'DNS: Socket opened: %u (port %u)\n',[socketNum],ecx
end if
eth.write_udp [socketNum],[dnsMsgLen],dnsMsg ; Write to socket ( request DNS lookup )
if __DEBUG__ eq 1
DEBUGF 1,'DNS: Data written, length:%u offset:%u\n',[dnsMsgLen],dnsMsg
DEBUGF 1,'DNS: Waiting for data: (timeout is %us)\n',TIMEOUT
end if
eth.wait_for_data [socketNum],TIMEOUT,abort ; Now, we wait for data from remote
eth.read_data dword[socketNum],dnsMsg,dword[dnsMsgLen],dnsMsg+BUFFER ; Read the data into the buffer
if __DEBUG__ eq 1
DEBUGF 1,'Data received, offset:%u buffer size:%u length:%u\n',dnsMsg,BUFFER,esi-dnsMsg
end if
eth.close_udp [socketNum] ; We're done, close the socket
if __DEBUG__ eq 1
DEBUGF 1,'Closed Socket\n'
end if
; Now parse the message to get the host IP. Man, this is complicated. It's described in RFC 1035
; 1) Validate that we have an answer with > 0 responses
; 2) Find the answer record with TYPE 0001 ( host IP )
; 3) Finally, copy the IP address to the display
; Note: The response is in dnsMsg, the end of the buffer is pointed to by [dnsMsgLen]
mov esi, dnsMsg
mov al, [esi+2] ; Is this a response to my question?
and al, 0x80
cmp al, 0x80
jne abort
if __DEBUG__ eq 1
DEBUGF 1,'DNS: It was a response to my question\n'
end if
mov al, [esi+3] ; Were there any errors?
and al, 0x0F
cmp al, 0x00
jne abort
if __DEBUG__ eq 1
DEBUGF 1,'DNS: There were no errors\n'
end if
mov ax, [esi+6] ; Is there ( at least 1 ) answer?
cmp ax, 0x00
je abort
; Header validated. Scan through and get my answer
add esi, 12 ; Skip to the question field
call skipName ; Skip through the question field
add esi, 4 ; skip past the questions qtype, qclass
; Now at the answer. There may be several answers, find the right one ( TYPE = 0x0001 )
call skipName
mov ax, [esi]
cmp ax, 0x0100 ; Is this the IP address answer?
jne ctr002c
add esi, 10 ; Yes! Point eax to the first byte of the IP address
mov eax,[esi]
ctr002c: ; Skip through the answer, move to the next
add esi, 8
movzx eax, byte [esi+1]
mov ah, [esi]
add esi, eax
add esi, 2
cmp esi, [dnsMsgLen] ; Have we reached the end of the msg? This is an error condition, should not happen
jl ctr002z ; Check next answer
if __DEBUG__ eq 1
DEBUGF 1,'DNS: Something went wrong, aborting\n'
end if
xor eax,eax
; Increment esi to the first byte past the name field
; Names may use compressed labels. Normally do.
; RFC 1035 page 30 gives details
mov al, [esi]
cmp al, 0
je sn_exit
and al, 0xc0
cmp al, 0xc0
je sn001
movzx eax, byte [esi]
inc eax
add esi, eax
jmp skipName
add esi, 2 ; A pointer is always at the end
inc esi
dnsMsgLen: dd 0
socketNum: dd 0xFFFF
if ~defined dnsMsg
dnsMsg: rb BUFFER
end if
end if

View File

@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
; Automated dhcp client
; v 1.3
; v 1.1
; by the hidden player
; with thanks to authors of DHCP client for menuetos: Mike Hibbet
; by HidnPlayr & Derpenguin
DEBUG equ 1
TIMEOUT equ 60 ; in seconds
BUFFER equ 1024
__DEBUG__ equ 1
__DEBUG_LEVEL__ equ 1; 1 = all, 2 = errors
org 0x0
db 'MENUET01' ; 8 byte id
@ -21,73 +22,101 @@ use32
dd I_END ; esp
dd 0x0 , 0x0 ; I_Param , I_Icon
include 'macros.inc'
if DEBUG = 1
include 'debug.inc'
end if
;include 'macros.inc'
include 'eth.inc'
include 'debug-fdo.inc'
START: ; start of execution
; ;
PROBE_WAIT equ 1 ; second (initial random delay) ;
PROBE_MIN equ 1 ; second (minimum delay till repeated probe) ;
PROBE_MAX equ 2 ; seconds (maximum delay till repeated probe) ;
PROBE_NUM equ 3 ; (number of probe packets) ;
; ;
ANNOUNCE_NUM equ 2 ; (number of announcement packets) ;
ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL equ 2 ; seconds (time between announcement packets) ;
ANNOUNCE_WAIT equ 2 ; seconds (delay before announcing) ;
; ;
MAX_CONFLICTS equ 10 ; (max conflicts before rate limiting) ;
; ;
RATE_LIMIT_INTERVAL equ 60 ; seconds (delay between successive attempts) ;
; ;
DEFEND_INTERVAL equ 10 ; seconds (min. wait between defensive ARPs) ;
; ;
mov eax,40 ; Report events
mov ebx,10000000b ; Only Stack
START: ; start of execution
mov eax,40 ; Report events
mov ebx,10000000b ; Only Stack
int 0x40
mov eax,52 ; first, enable the stack
mov eax,52 ; first, enable the stack (packet driver)
mov ebx,2
mov ecx,0x00000383
int 0x40
if DEBUG = 1
dps "DHCP: Stack Initialized"
end if
DEBUGF 1,"DHCP: Stack Initialized.\n"
mov eax, 53 ; then, read in the status
mov ebx, 255
mov ecx, 6
int 0x40
cmp eax,0 ; if eax is zero, no driver was found
jne @f
if DEBUG = 1
dps "DHCP: No Card detected"
end if
jmp close
eth.status eax ; Read the Stack status
test eax,eax ; if eax is zero, no driver was found
jnz @f
DEBUGF 1,"DHCP: No Card detected\n"
jmp close
if DEBUG = 1
dps "DHCP: Detected card: "
dph eax
end if
DEBUGF 1,"DHCP: Detected card: %x\n",eax
eth.check_cable eax
test al,al
jnz @f
DEBUGF 1,"DHCP: Ethernet Cable not connected\n"
; now that the stack is running, lets start the dhcp request
; First, open socket
mov eax, 53
mov ebx, 0
mov ecx, 68 ; local port dhcp client
mov edx, 67 ; remote port - dhcp server
mov esi, -1 ; broadcast
mov eax,5
mov ebx,500 ; loop until cable is connected (check every 5 sec)
int 0x40
mov [socketNum], eax
jmp @r
if DEBUG = 1
dps "DHCP: Socket opened: "
dpd eax
end if
DEBUGF 1,"DHCP: Ethernet Cable status: %d\n",al
; Setup the first msg we will send
mov byte [dhcpMsgType], 0x01 ; DHCP discover
mov dword [dhcpLease], esi ; esi is still -1 (-1 = forever)
eth.read_mac MAC
DEBUGF 1,"DHCP: MAC address: %x-%x-%x-%x-%x-%x\n",[MAC]:2,[MAC+1]:2,[MAC+2]:2,[MAC+3]:2,[MAC+4]:2,[MAC+5]:2
; jmp apipa ; comment this out if you want to skip DHCP and continue with link-local
; DHCP rubish starts here
eth.check_port 68,eax ; Check if port 68 is available
cmp eax,1
je @f
DEBUGF 1,"DHCP: Port 68 is already in use.\n"
jmp close
eth.open_udp 68,67,-1,[socketNum] ; open socket (local,remote,ip,socket)
DEBUGF 1,"DHCP: Socket opened: %d\n",eax
; Setup the first msg we will send
mov byte [dhcpMsgType], 0x01 ; DHCP discover
mov dword [dhcpLease], esi ; esi is still -1 (-1 = forever)
mov eax,26
mov ebx,9
int 0x40
imul eax,100
mov [currTime],eax
; Function
@ -98,10 +127,9 @@ end if
; Clear dhcpMsg to all zeros
xor eax,eax
xor eax,eax ; Clear dhcpMsg to all zeros
mov edi,dhcpMsg
mov ecx,512
mov ecx,BUFFER
rep stosb
@ -111,110 +139,75 @@ buildRequest:
mov [edx+1], byte 0x01 ; Ethernet
mov [edx+2], byte 0x06 ; Ethernet h/w len
mov [edx+4], dword 0x11223344 ; xid
mov eax,[currTime]
mov [edx+8], eax ; secs, our uptime
mov [edx+10], byte 0x80 ; broadcast flag set
mov eax, dword [MAC] ; first 4 bytes of MAC
mov [edx+28],dword eax
mov ax, word [MAC+4] ; last 2 bytes of MAC
mov [edx+32],word ax
mov [edx+236], dword 0x63538263 ; magic number
; option DHCP msg type
mov [edx+240], word 0x0135
mov [edx+240], word 0x0135 ; option DHCP msg type
mov al, [dhcpMsgType]
mov [edx+240+2], al
; option Lease time = infinity
mov [edx+240+3], word 0x0433
mov [edx+240+3], word 0x0433 ; option Lease time = infinity
mov eax, [dhcpLease]
mov [edx+240+5], eax
; ; option requested IP address
mov [edx+240+9], word 0x0432
; mov eax, [dhcpClientIP]
; mov [edx+240+11], eax
mov [edx+240+9], word 0x0432 ; option requested IP address
mov eax, [dhcpClientIP]
mov [edx+240+11], eax
; option request list
mov [edx+240+15], word 0x0437
mov [edx+240+15], word 0x0437 ; option request list
mov [edx+240+17], dword 0x0f060301
; Check which msg we are sending
cmp [dhcpMsgType], byte 0x01
cmp [dhcpMsgType], byte 0x01 ; Check which msg we are sending
jne br001
; "Discover" options
; end of options marker
mov [edx+240+21], byte 0xff
mov [edx+240+21], byte 0xff ; "Discover" options
mov [dhcpMsgLen], dword 262
mov [dhcpMsgLen], dword 262 ; end of options marker
jmp ctr000
; "Request" options
br001: ; "Request" options
; server IP
mov [edx+240+21], word 0x0436
mov [edx+240+21], word 0x0436 ; server IP
mov eax, [dhcpServerIP]
mov [edx+240+23], eax
; end of options marker
mov [edx+240+27], byte 0xff
mov [edx+240+27], byte 0xff ; end of options marker
mov [dhcpMsgLen], dword 268
; write to socket ( send broadcast request )
mov eax, 53
mov ebx, 4
mov ecx, [socketNum]
mov edx, [dhcpMsgLen]
mov esi, dhcpMsg
eth.write_udp [socketNum],[dhcpMsgLen],dhcpMsg ; write to socket ( send broadcast request )
mov eax, dhcpMsg ; Setup the DHCP buffer to receive response
mov [dhcpMsgLen], eax ; Used as a pointer to the data
mov eax,23 ; wait here for event (data from remote)
mov ebx,TIMEOUT*10
int 0x40
; Setup the DHCP buffer to receive response
eth.poll [socketNum]
mov eax, dhcpMsg
mov [dhcpMsgLen], eax ; Used as a pointer to the data
test eax,eax
jnz ctr002
; now, we wait for data from remote
DEBUGF 2,"DHCP: Timeout!\n"
eth.close_udp [socketNum]
jmp apipa ; no server found, lets try zeroconf
mov eax,23 ; wait here for event NOTE a TIME-OUT should be placed here
mov ebx,TIMEOUT*100
int 0x40
; Any data in the UDP receive buffer?
mov eax, 53
mov ebx, 2
mov ecx, [socketNum]
int 0x40
cmp eax, 0
jne ctr002
if DEBUG = 1
dps "DHCP: Timeout!"
end if
jmp close
; we have data - this will be the response
mov eax, 53
mov ebx, 3
mov ecx, [socketNum]
int 0x40 ; read byte - block (high byte)
; Store the data in the response buffer
mov eax, [dhcpMsgLen]
mov [eax], bl
inc dword [dhcpMsgLen]
mov eax, 53
mov ebx, 2
mov ecx, [socketNum]
int 0x40 ; any more data?
cmp eax, 0
jne ctr002 ; yes, so get it
ctr002: ; we have data - this will be the response
eth.read_packet [socketNum], dhcpMsg, BUFFER
mov [dhcpMsgLen], eax
eth.close_udp [socketNum]
; depending on which msg we sent, handle the response
; accordingly.
@ -222,55 +215,35 @@ ctr002:
; 1) If response is DHCP OFFER then
; 1.1) record server IP, lease time & IP address.
; 1.2) send a request packet
; 2) else exit ( display error )
; If the response is to a dhcp request, then:
; 1) If the response is DHCP ACK then
; 1.1) extract the DNS & subnet fields. Set them in the stack
; 2) else exit ( display error )
cmp [dhcpMsgType], byte 0x01 ; did we send a discover?
cmp [dhcpMsgType], byte 0x01 ; did we send a discover?
je discover
cmp [dhcpMsgType], byte 0x03 ; did we send a request?
cmp [dhcpMsgType], byte 0x03 ; did we send a request?
je request
; should never get here - we only send discover or request
jmp close
jmp close ; really unknown, what we did
call parseResponse
; Was the response an offer? It should be
cmp [dhcpMsgType], byte 0x02
jne close ; NO - so quit
; send request
mov [dhcpMsgType], byte 0x03 ; DHCP request
cmp [dhcpMsgType], byte 0x02 ; Was the response an offer?
jne apipa ; NO - so we do zeroconf
mov [dhcpMsgType], byte 0x03 ; DHCP request
jmp buildRequest
call parseResponse
call parseResponse
; Was the response an ACK? It should be
cmp [dhcpMsgType], byte 0x05
jne close ; NO - so quit
cmp [dhcpMsgType], byte 0x05 ; Was the response an ACK? It should be
jne apipa ; NO - so we do zeroconf
DEBUGF 1,"DHCP: Exiting\n"
; close socket
mov eax, 53
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, [socketNum]
int 0x40
if DEBUG = 1
dps "DHCP: Exiting"
end if
mov eax,-1 ; at last, exit
mov eax,-1 ; at last, exit
int 0x40
@ -288,47 +261,19 @@ end if
if DEBUG = 1
dps "DHCP: Data received, parsing response"
end if
DEBUGF 1,"DHCP: Data received, parsing response\n"
mov edx, dhcpMsg
mov eax,52 ; Set Client IP
mov ebx,3
mov ecx, [edx+16]
int 0x40
if DEBUG = 1
dps "DHCP: Client: "
xor esi,esi
movzx eax,byte[edx+esi+16]
call debug_outdec
eth.set_IP [edx+16]
mov eax,[edx]
mov [dhcpClientIP],eax
DEBUGF 1,"DHCP: Client: %u.%u.%u.%u\n",[edx+16]:1,[edx+17]:1,[edx+18]:1,[edx+19]:1
inc esi
cmp esi,4
jne .loop
end if
; Scan options
add edx, 240 ; Point to first option
; Get option id
mov al, [edx]
cmp al, 0xff ; End of options?
je pr_exit
@ -342,7 +287,6 @@ pr001:
jmp pr001 ; Get next option
; All other (accepted) options are 4 bytes in length
inc edx
movzx ecx, byte [edx]
inc edx ; point to data
@ -351,26 +295,26 @@ pr002:
jne pr0021
mov eax, [edx] ; All options are 4 bytes, so get it
mov [dhcpServerIP], eax
DEBUGF 1,"DHCP: Server: %u.%u.%u.%u\n",[edx]:1,[edx+1]:1,[edx+2]:1,[edx+3]:1
jmp pr003
cmp al, 51 ; lease
jne pr0022
if DEBUG = 1
dps "DHCP: lease: "
cmp dword[edx],-1
DEBUGF 1,"DHCP: lease: "
mov eax,[edx]
bswap eax
mov [dhcpLease],eax
cmp dword[edx],-1 ; i really don't know, how to test it
jne no_lease_forever
dps "forever"
jmp lease_newline
DEBUGF 1,"forever\n"
jmp @f
dpd [edx]
DEBUGF 1,"%d\n",eax
end if
jmp pr003
@ -379,97 +323,31 @@ pr0022:
jne pr0023
mov eax,52
mov ebx,12
mov ecx,[edx]
int 0x40
if DEBUG = 1
dps "DHCP: Subnet: "
xor esi,esi
movzx eax,byte[edx+esi]
call debug_outdec
inc esi
cmp esi,4
jne .loop
end if
eth.set_SUBNET [edx]
DEBUGF 1,"DHCP: Subnet: %u.%u.%u.%u\n",[edx]:1,[edx+1]:1,[edx+2]:1,[edx+3]:1
jmp pr003
cmp al, 6 ; dns ip
cmp al, 3 ; gateway ip
jne pr0024
mov eax,52
mov ebx,14
mov ecx,[edx]
int 0x40
if DEBUG = 1
dps "DHCP: DNS IP: "
xor esi,esi
movzx eax,byte[edx+esi]
call debug_outdec
eth.set_GATEWAY [edx]
DEBUGF 1,"DHCP: Gateway: %u.%u.%u.%u\n",[edx]:1,[edx+1]:1,[edx+2]:1,[edx+3]:1
inc esi
cmp esi,4
jne .loop
end if
cmp al, 3 ; gateway ip
cmp al, 6 ; dns ip
jne pr003
mov eax,52
mov ebx,11
mov ecx,[edx]
int 0x40
if DEBUG = 1
dps "DHCP: Gateway:"
xor esi,esi
movzx eax,byte[edx+esi]
call debug_outdec
eth.set_DNS [edx]
DEBUGF 1,"DHCP: DNS: %u.%u.%u.%u\n",[edx]:1,[edx+1]:1,[edx+2]:1,[edx+3]:1
inc esi
cmp esi,4
jne .loop
end if
add edx, ecx
@ -477,25 +355,113 @@ pr003:
if DEBUG = 1
dps "DHCP: Done"
end if
; DEBUGF 1,"DHCP: Sending ARP probe\n"
; eth.ARP_ANNOUNCE [dhcpClientIP] ; send an ARP announc packet
eth.get_GATEWAY eax ; if gateway was not set, set it to the DHCP SERVER IP
test eax,eax
jnz close
eth.set_GATEWAY [dhcpServerIP]
jmp close
call random
mov ecx,0xfea9 ; IP link local net, see RFC3927
mov cx,ax
eth.set_IP ecx ; mask is
DEBUGF 1,"ZeroConf: Link Local IP assinged: 169.254.%u.%u\n",[generator+2]:1,[generator+3]:1
eth.set_SUBNET 0xffff
eth.set_GATEWAY 0x0
eth.set_DNS 0x0
mov eax,5
mov ebx,PROBE_WAIT*100
int 0x40
xor esi,esi
call random ; create a pseudo random number in eax (seeded by MAC)
cmp al,PROBE_MIN*100 ; check if al is bigger then PROBE_MIN
jge @f ; all ok
add al,(PROBE_MAX-PROBE_MIN)*100 ; al is too small
cmp al,PROBE_MAX*100
jle @f
sub al,(PROBE_MAX-PROBE_MIN)*100
movzx ebx,al
DEBUGF 1,"ZeroConf: Waiting %u0ms\n",ebx
mov eax,5
int 0x40
DEBUGF 1,"ZeroConf: Sending Probe\n"
inc esi
cmp esi,PROBE_NUM
jl probe_loop
; now we wait further ANNOUNCE_WAIT seconds and send ANNOUNCE_NUM ARP announces. If any other host has assingnd
; IP within this time, we should create another adress, that have to be done later
DEBUGF 1,"ZeroConf: Waiting %us\n",ANNOUNCE_WAIT
mov eax,5
mov ebx,ANNOUNCE_WAIT*100
int 0x40
xor esi,esi
DEBUGF 1,"ZeroConf: Sending Announce\n"
inc esi
je @f
DEBUGF 1,"ZeroConf: Waiting %us\n",ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL
mov eax,5
int 0x40
jmp announce_loop
jmp close ; we should, instead of closing, detect ARP conflicts and detect if cable keeps connected ;)
mov eax,[generator]
add eax,-43ab45b5h
ror eax,1
bswap eax
xor eax,dword[MAC]
ror eax,1
xor eax,dword[MAC+2]
mov [generator],eax
include_debug_strings ; ALWAYS present in data section
dhcpMsgType: db 0
dhcpLease: dd 0
;dhcpClientIP: dd 0
dhcpServerIP: dd 0
dhcpClientIP dd 0
dhcpMsgType db 0
dhcpLease dd 0
dhcpServerIP dd 0
dhcpMsgLen: dd 0
socketNum: dd 0xFFFF
dhcpMsg: rb 512
dhcpMsgLen dd 0
socketNum dd 0
MAC rb 6
currTime dd 0
renewTime dd 0
generator dd 0
dhcpMsg rb BUFFER

View File

@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
; Formatted Debug Output (FDO)
; Copyright (c) 2005-2006, mike.dld
; Created: 2005-01-29, Changed: 2006-11-10
; For questions and bug reports, mail to mike.dld@gmail.com
; Available format specifiers are: %s, %d, %u, %x (with partial width support)
; to be defined:
; __DEBUG__ equ 1
; __DEBUG_LEVEL__ equ 5
macro debug_func name {
if used name
name@of@func equ name
macro debug_beginf {
align 4
debug_endf fix end if
macro DEBUGS _sign,[_str] {
local tp
tp equ 0
match _arg:_num,_str \{
DEBUGS_N _sign,_num,_arg
tp equ 1
match =0 _arg,tp _str \{
DEBUGS_N _sign,,_arg
macro DEBUGS_N _sign,_num,[_str] {
local ..str,..label,is_str
is_str = 0
if _str eqtype ''
is_str = 1
end if
if is_str = 1
jmp ..label
..str db _str,0
add esp,4*8+4
mov edx,..str
sub esp,4*8+4
mov edx,_str
end if
if ~_num eq
if _num eqtype eax
if _num in <eax,ebx,ecx,edx,edi,ebp,esp>
mov esi,_num
else if ~_num eq esi
movzx esi,_num
end if
else if _num eqtype 0
mov esi,_num
local tp
tp equ 0
match [_arg],_num \{
mov esi,dword[_arg]
tp equ 1
match =0 =dword[_arg],tp _num \{
mov esi,dword[_arg]
tp equ 1
match =0 =word[_arg],tp _num \{
movzx esi,word[_arg]
tp equ 1
match =0 =byte[_arg],tp _num \{
movzx esi,byte[_arg]
tp equ 1
match =0,tp \{
'Error: specified string width is incorrect'
end if
mov esi,0x7FFFFFFF
end if
call fdo_debug_outstr
macro DEBUGD _sign,_dec {
local tp
tp equ 0
match _arg:_num,_dec \{
DEBUGD_N _sign,_num,_arg
tp equ 1
match =0 _arg,tp _dec \{
DEBUGD_N _sign,,_arg
macro DEBUGD_N _sign,_num,_dec {
if (~_num eq)
if (_dec eqtype eax | _dec eqtype 0)
'Error: precision allowed only for in-memory variables'
end if
if (~_num in <1,2,4>)
if _sign
'Error: 1, 2 and 4 are only allowed for precision in %d'
'Error: 1, 2 and 4 are only allowed for precision in %u'
end if
end if
end if
if _dec eqtype eax
if _dec in <ebx,ecx,edx,esi,edi,ebp,esp>
mov eax,_dec
else if ~_dec eq eax
if _sign = 1
movsx eax,_dec
movzx eax,_dec
end if
end if
else if _dec eqtype 0
mov eax,_dec
add esp,4*8+4
if _num eq
mov eax,dword _dec
else if _num = 1
if _sign = 1
movsx eax,byte _dec
movzx eax,byte _dec
end if
else if _num = 2
if _sign = 1
movsx eax,word _dec
movzx eax,word _dec
end if
mov eax,dword _dec
end if
sub esp,4*8+4
end if
mov cl,_sign
call fdo_debug_outdec
macro DEBUGH _sign,_hex {
local tp
tp equ 0
match _arg:_num,_hex \{
DEBUGH_N _sign,_num,_arg
tp equ 1
match =0 _arg,tp _hex \{
DEBUGH_N _sign,,_arg
macro DEBUGH_N _sign,_num,_hex {
if (~_num eq) & (~_num in <1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8>)
'Error: 1..8 are only allowed for precision in %x'
end if
if _hex eqtype eax
if _hex in <eax,ebx,ecx,edx,esi,edi,ebp,esp>
if ~_hex eq eax
mov eax,_hex
end if
else if _hex in <ax,bx,cx,dx,si,di,bp,sp>
if ~_hex eq ax
movzx eax,_hex
end if
shl eax,16
if (_num eq)
mov edx,4
end if
else if _hex in <al,ah,bl,bh,cl,ch,dl,dh>
if ~_hex eq al
movzx eax,_hex
end if
shl eax,24
if (_num eq)
mov edx,2
end if
end if
else if _hex eqtype 0
mov eax,_hex
add esp,4*8+4
mov eax,dword _hex
sub esp,4*8+4
end if
if ~_num eq
mov edx,_num
mov edx,8
end if
call fdo_debug_outhex
debug_func fdo_debug_outchar
mov cl,al
mov ebx,1
mov eax,63
int 0x40
debug_func fdo_debug_outstr
mov eax,63
mov ebx,1
.l1: dec esi
js .l2
mov cl,[edx]
or cl,cl
jz .l2
int 0x40
inc edx
jmp .l1
.l2: ret
debug_func fdo_debug_outdec
or cl,cl
jz @f
or eax,eax
jns @f
neg eax
push eax
mov al,'-'
call fdo_debug_outchar
pop eax
@@: push 10
pop ecx
push -'0'
.l1: xor edx,edx
div ecx
push edx
test eax,eax
jnz .l1
.l2: pop eax
add al,'0'
jz .l3
call fdo_debug_outchar
jmp .l2
.l3: ret
debug_func fdo_debug_outhex
__fdo_hexdigits db '0123456789ABCDEF'
mov cl,dl
neg cl
add cl,8
shl cl,2
rol eax,cl
.l1: rol eax,4
push eax
and eax,0x0000000F
mov al,[__fdo_hexdigits+eax]
call fdo_debug_outchar
pop eax
dec edx
jnz .l1
macro DEBUGF _level,_format,[_arg] {
if __DEBUG__ = 1 & _level >= __DEBUG_LEVEL__
local ..f1,f2,a1,a2,c1,c2,c3,..lbl
_debug_str_ equ __debug_str_ # a1
a1 = 0
c2 = 0
c3 = 0
f2 = 0
repeat ..lbl-..f1
virtual at 0
db _format,0,0
load c1 word from %-1
end virtual
if c1 = '%s'
virtual at 0
db _format,0,0
store word 0 at %-1
load c1 from f2-c2
end virtual
if c1 <> 0
DEBUGS 0,_debug_str_+f2-c2
end if
c2 = c2 + 1
f2 = %+1
else if c1 = '%x'
virtual at 0
db _format,0,0
store word 0 at %-1
load c1 from f2-c2
end virtual
if c1 <> 0
DEBUGS 0,_debug_str_+f2-c2
end if
c2 = c2 + 1
f2 = %+1
else if c1 = '%d' | c1 = '%u'
local c4
if c1 = '%d'
c4 = 1
c4 = 0
end if
virtual at 0
db _format,0,0
store word 0 at %-1
load c1 from f2-c2
end virtual
if c1 <> 0
DEBUGS 0,_debug_str_+f2-c2
end if
c2 = c2 + 1
f2 = %+1
DEBUGF_HELPER D,a1,c4,_arg
else if c1 = '\n'
c3 = c3 + 1
end if
end repeat
virtual at 0
db _format,0,0
load c1 from f2-c2
end virtual
if (c1<>0)&(f2<>..lbl-..f1-1)
DEBUGS 0,_debug_str_+f2-c2
end if
virtual at 0
..f1 db _format,0
__debug_strings equ __debug_strings,_debug_str_,<_format>,..lbl-..f1-1-c2-c3
end virtual
end if
macro __include_debug_strings dummy,[_id,_fmt,_len] {
local c1,a1,a2
if defined _len & ~_len eq
a1 = 0
a2 = 0
repeat _len
virtual at 0
db _fmt,0,0
load c1 word from %+a2-1
end virtual
if (c1='%s')|(c1='%x')|(c1='%d')|(c1='%u')
db 0
a2 = a2 + 1
else if (c1='\n')
dw $0A0D
a1 = a1 + 1
a2 = a2 + 1
db c1 and 0x0FF
end if
end repeat
db 0
end if
macro DEBUGF_HELPER _letter,_num,_sign,[_arg] {
local num
num = 0
if num = _num
DEBUG#_letter _sign,_arg
end if
num = num+1
_num = _num+1
macro include_debug_strings {
if __DEBUG__ = 1
match dbg_str,__debug_strings \{
__include_debug_strings dbg_str
end if

View File

@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
macro debug_print str
local ..string, ..label
jmp ..label
..string db str,0
mov edx,..string
call debug_outstr
dps fix debug_print
macro debug_print_dec arg
if ~arg eq eax
mov eax,arg
end if
call debug_outdec
dpd fix debug_print_dec
debug_outdec: ;(eax - num, edi-str)
push 10 ;2
pop ecx ;1
push -'0' ;2
xor edx,edx ;2
div ecx ;2
push edx ;1
test eax,eax ;2
jnz .l0 ;2
pop eax ;1
add al,'0' ;2
call debug_outchar ; stosb
jnz .l1 ;2
ret ;1
debug_outchar: ; al - char
mov cl,al
mov eax,63
mov ebx,1
int 0x40
mov eax,63
mov ebx,1
mov cl,[edx]
test cl,cl
jz @f
int 40h
inc edx
jmp @b
macro newline
dps <13,10>
macro print message
dps message
macro pregs
dps "EAX: "
dpd eax
dps " EBX: "
dpd ebx
dps "ECX: "
dpd ecx
dps " EDX: "
dpd edx
macro debug_print_hex arg
if ~arg eq eax
mov eax, arg
end if
call debug_outhex
dph fix debug_print_hex
; eax - number
mov edx, 8
rol eax, 4
movzx ecx, al
and cl, 0x0f
mov cl, [__hexdigits + ecx]
mcall 63, 1
dec edx
jnz .new_char
db '0123456789ABCDEF'