#include #define INVALID_ARG "Invalid arguments! Use the help: -h!\n" #define KEY_RECORD_IN_FILE "The key is recorded in file: %s\n" #define INCORRECT_FILE "Error! Incorrect file:'%s'\n" #define NO_KEY_OR_KEYFILE "No key or key file!\n" #define INVALID_KEY_FORMAT "Invalid key format!\n" #define FILE_NOT_FOUND "File '%s' not found!\n" #define DATA_DECRYPT "Data from file: %s successfully DECRYPTED to file: %s\n" #define DATA_ENCRYPT "Data from file: %s successfully ENCRYPTED to file: %s\n" #define FILE_DECRYPTION "File decryption...\n" #define FILE_ENCRYPTION "File encryption...\n" #define RECORD_DECRYPT_DATA "Record decryped data...\n" #define LOAD_IN_RAM "Loading a '%s' file in RAM...\n" #define RECORD_ENCRYPT_DATA "Record encryped data...\n" #define MEMORY_ERROR "To big file, not enough memory! Use normal mode." void show_help() { puts("Usage: \nTEAtool [infile] [outfile] [arguments]\n"); puts("Arguments:"); puts("-e [mode] Encrypt file in 'speed' or 'normal' mode."); puts("-d [mode] Decrypt file in 'speed' or 'normal' mode."); puts(" In 'speed' mode, file is entirely loaded into RAM."); puts(" In 'normal' mode, file is loaded with parts in RAM."); puts("-k [key] 128bit-key in hex format."); puts("-K [keyfile] Use key from file."); puts("-r [key] [keyfile].key Key entry to key file."); puts("-h This reference"); puts("-a About the program \n"); } void show_about() { puts("\n"); puts("-----------TEAtool-ENG-----------\n"); printf(" ) ( Version: \n"); printf(" ( ) ) 1.8-stable \n"); printf(" ) ( ( \n"); printf(" _______)_ Author: \n"); printf(" .-'---------| turbocat2001 \n"); printf("( C|/////////| \n"); printf(" '-./////////| Tester: rgimad \n"); printf(" '_________' \n"); printf(" '-------'' License: GPLv3 \n\n"); printf(" Powered by: \n"); printf(" Tiny Encryption Algorithm. \n\n"); }