#Life 1.05 #D Line Puffer of width 33 #D #D The width is defined by the length of the first free-standing line #D in the puffer's plume. The formula for this is 12n+1-s, where n is #D the number of middle segments, and s is the number of cells covered #D by the little 3-cell, 5-unit puff-suppressors on the upper edge of #D this otherwise symmetrical pattern. #D #D Here, n=4, and s=6+5+5. The Y-shaped puff-suppressors can have 5, #D 6, or 7 units of spacing on between them, or between one of them and #D the end. You only need 2 or 3 such suppressors to produce any #D puffer width. #D #D Notice that placing random debris behind the puffer sometimes #D affects the plume permanently - even turning it asymmetrical if the #D debris was asymmetrical. It also affects the period of the puffer, #D that is, the number of generations it takes to repeat. By #D increasing the width, the period can be made to rise exponentially, #D surpassing 10^6 at a width of only about 70. But the most amazing #D thing is that it has a half-life on the order of 10^8 generations. #D #D By Hartmut Holzwart and Al Hensel, April 1994 #N #P 3 -22 * ..* * . . * ..* * . * * ..* #P 1 -49 *.* *..* ...** .....* ...**** ..*....* ....*..* ....*..* ......* *.**** *...* ...* .*.* . ..*** ...** ..*** . .*.* .*..* ....* ..*..* ....** #P 10 -48 * **** ..** .....* ..**** ......* ..*..*** ....*** .....* *.*** **..* .*** .* ...* .*.* ....* .*.* ...* .* .*** ..*** ..** #P 6 -26 *.*..** *.*.** * *.*.** *.*..** *.....** *.*..*.** *.*.***..* *........* *.*.***..* *.*..*.** *.....** *.*..** *.*.** * *.*.** *.*..** *.....** *.*..*.** *.*.***..* *........* *.*.***..* *.*..*.** *.....** *.*..** *.*.** * *.*.** *.*..** *.....** *.*..*.** *.*.***..* *........* *.*.***..* *.*..*.** *.....** *.*..** *.*.** * *.*.** *.*..** *.....** *.*..*.** *.*.***..* *........* *.*.***..* *.*..*.** *.....** *.*..** *.*.** * *.*.** *.*..** #P 1 27 ....** ..*..* ....* .*..* .*.* . ..*** ...** ..*** . .*.* ...* *...* *.**** ......* ....*..* ....*..* ..*....* ...**** .....* ...** *..* *.* #P 10 27 ..** ..*** .*** .* ...* .*.* ....* .*.* ...* .* .*** **..* *.*** .....* ....*** ..*..*** ......* ..**** .....* ..** **** *