;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Copyright (C) 2010 KolibriOS team. All rights reserved. ;; ;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;; ;; ;; ;; HT.inc ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; AMD HyperTransport bus control ;; ;; ;; ;; art_zh ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; $Revision: 1554 $ NB_MISC_INDEX equ 0xF0000060 ; NB Misc indirect access NB_MISC_DATA equ 0xF0000064 PCIEIND_INDEX equ 0xF00000E0 ; PCIe Core indirect config space access HTIU_NB_INDEX equ 0xF0000094 ; HyperTransport indirect config space access ;============================================================================= ; ; This code is a part of Kolibri-A and will only work with AMD RS760+ chipsets ; ;============================================================================= org $-OS_BASE ; physical addresses needed at initial stage align 4 ;------------------------------------------ ; params: al = nbconfig register# ; returns: eax = register content ; rs7xx_nbconfig_read_pci: and eax, 0x0FC ; leave register# only or eax, 0x80000000 ; bdf = 0:0.0 mov dx, 0x0CF8 ; write to index reg out dx, eax add dl, 4 in eax, dx ret align 4 rs7xx_nbconfig_flush_pci: mov eax, 0x0B0 ; a scratch reg mov dx, 0xCF8 out dx, eax ret align 4 ;------------------------------------------ ; params: al = nbconfig register# ; ebx = register content ; rs7xx_nbconfig_write_pci: and eax, 0x0FC ; leave register# only or eax, 0x80000000 ; bdf = 0:0.0 mov dx, 0x0CF8 ; write to index reg out dx, eax add dl, 4 mov eax, ebx out dx, eax ret ;*************************************************************************** ; Function ; rs7xx_unlock_bar3: unlocks the BAR3 register of nbconfig that ; makes pcie config address space visible ; ----------------------- ; in: nothing out: nothing destroys: eax ebx edx ; ;*************************************************************************** align 4 rs7xx_unlock_bar3: mov eax, NB_MISC_INDEX mov ebx, 0x080 ; NBMISCIND:0x0; write-enable call rs7xx_nbconfig_write_pci ; set index mov eax, NB_MISC_DATA call rs7xx_nbconfig_read_pci ; read data mov ebx, eax and ebx, 0xFFFFFFF7 ; clear bit3 mov eax, NB_MISC_DATA call rs7xx_nbconfig_write_pci ; write it back mov eax, NB_MISC_INDEX xor ebx, ebx ; reg#0; write-locked call rs7xx_nbconfig_write_pci ; set index ret ;*************************************************************************** ; Function ; rs7xx_pcie_init: ; ; Description ; PCIe extended (memory-mapped) config space detection ; ;*************************************************************************** align 4 rs7xx_pcie_init: call rs7xx_unlock_bar3 mov al, 0x7C ; NB_IOC_CFG_CNTL call rs7xx_nbconfig_read_pci mov ebx, eax ; call rs7xx_nbconfig_flush_pci test ebx, 0x20000000 ; BAR3 locked? jz $ mov al, 0x84 ; NB_PCI_ARB call rs7xx_nbconfig_read_pci shr eax,16 and ax, 7 ; the Bus range lays here: jnz @f mov ax, 8 ; 1=2Mb, 2=4MB, 3=8MB, 4=16MB @@: mov word[PCIe_bus_range-OS_BASE], ax ; 5=32Mb, 6=64MB, 7=128Mb, 8=256Mb mov cl, al call rs7xx_nbconfig_flush_pci dec cl ; <4M ? jz @f dec cl ; one PDE needed anyway @@: mov ebx, 1 shl ebx, cl mov word[mmio_pcie_cfg_pdes-OS_BASE], bx ; 1..64 PDE(s) needed, shl ebx, 22 mov dword[mmio_pcie_cfg_lim-OS_BASE], ebx ; or 4..256Mb space to map dec dword[mmio_pcie_cfg_lim-OS_BASE] mov al, 0x1C ; NB_BAR3_PCIEXP_MMCFG call rs7xx_nbconfig_read_pci mov ebx, eax call rs7xx_nbconfig_flush_pci mov eax, ebx and eax, 0xFFE00000 ; valid bits [31..21] jz $ ; NB BAR3 may be invisible! .addr_found: mov dword[mmio_pcie_cfg_addr-OS_BASE], eax ; physical address (lower 32 bits) add dword[mmio_pcie_cfg_lim-OS_BASE], eax or eax, (PG_NOCACHE + PG_SHARED + PG_LARGE + PG_UW) ; by the way, UW is unsafe! mov ecx, PCIe_CONFIG_SPACE ; linear address mov ebx, ecx shr ebx, 20 add ebx, (sys_pgdir - OS_BASE) ; PgDir entry @ mov dl, byte[mmio_pcie_cfg_pdes-OS_BASE] ; 1 page = 4M in address space cmp dl, 0x34 ; =(USER_DMA_BUFFER - PCIe_CONFIG_SPACE) / 4M jb @f mov dl, 0x33 mov byte[mmio_pcie_cfg_pdes-OS_BASE], dl @@: xor dx, dx ; PDEs counter .write_pde: mov dword[ebx], eax ; map 4 buses add bx, 4 ; new PDE add eax, 0x400000 ; +4M phys. add ecx, 0x400000 ; +4M lin. cmp dl, byte[mmio_pcie_cfg_pdes-OS_BASE] jae .pcie_cfg_mapped inc dl jmp .write_pde ; mov eax, cr3 ; mov cr3, eax ; flush TLB .pcie_cfg_mapped: ret ; <<< OK >>> ; ================================================================================ org OS_BASE+$ ; back to the linear address space ;-------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 rs780_read_misc: ; in: eax(al) - reg# out: eax = NBMISCIND data push edx mov edx, NB_MISC_INDEX and eax, 0x07F mov [edx], eax add dl, 4 mov eax, [edx] pop edx ret ;------------------------------------------- align 4 rs780_write_misc: ; in: eax(al) - reg# ebx = NBMISCIND data push edx mov edx, NB_MISC_INDEX and eax, 0x07F or eax, 0x080 ; set WE mov [edx], eax add dl, 4 mov [edx], ebx sub dl, 4 xor eax, eax mov [edx], eax ; safety last pop edx ret ;------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 rs780_read_pcieind: ; in: ah = bridge#, al = reg# out: eax = PCIEIND data push edx xor edx, edx mov ah, dl ; bridge# : 0 = Core+GFX; 0x10 = Core+SB and dl, 15 ; 0x20 = Core+GPP; 2..12 = a PortBridge shl edx, 15 ; device# add edx, PCIEIND_INDEX ; full bdf-address and eax, 0x30FF or al, al jnz @f shl eax, 4 ; set bits 17..16 for a Core bridge @@: mov [edx], eax add dl, 4 mov eax, [edx] pop edx ret ;------------------------------------------- align 4 rs780_write_pcieind: ; in: ah = bridge#, al = reg#, ebx = PCIEIND data push edx xor edx, edx mov ah, dl ; bridge# : 0 = Core+GFX; 0x10 = Core+SB and dl, 15 ; 0x20 = Core+GPP; 2..12 = a PortBridge shl edx, 15 ; device# add edx, PCIEIND_INDEX ; full bdf-address and eax, 0x30FF or al, al jnz @f shl eax, 4 ; set bits 17..16 for a Core bridge @@: mov [edx], eax add dl, 4 mov [edx], ebx sub dl, 4 xor eax, eax mov [edx], eax ; safety last pop edx ret ;------------------------------------------------ align 4 rs780_read_htiu: ; in: al = reg# | out: eax = HTIU data ;------------------------------------------------ push edx mov edx, HTIU_NB_INDEX and eax, 0x07F mov [edx], eax add dl, 4 mov eax, [edx] pop edx ret ;------------------------------------------------ align 4 rs780_write_htiu: ; in: al = reg#; ebx = data ;------------------------------------------------ push edx mov edx, HTIU_NB_INDEX and eax, 0x07F or eax, 0x100 mov [edx], eax add dl, 4 mov [edx], ebx sub dl, 4 xor eax, eax mov [edx], eax pop edx ret