;****************************************************************************** ; project name: CPUID ; target platform: KolibriOS, x86 (IA-32), x86-64 achitectures ; compability: probably some functions would work in MenuetOS 32 and MenuetOS 64, may be even in Miraculix; ; CPUID (versions before 2.00) works in MS Windows by means of emulators ; compiler: flat assembler 1.67.5 ; version: 2.05 ; last update: 1st November 2006 ; maintained by: Sergey Kuzmin aka Wildwest ; e-mail: kuzmin_serg@list.ru ; site: http://coolthemes.narod.ru/files.html ;****************************************************************************** ; Summary: ; supported vendors - Intel, AMD, VIA, Cyrix, IDT (Centaur),Transmeta ; displayed features - CPU frequency; ; Internal Name; ; Multiplier and System Clock frequency; ; Standard and Extended Features; ; CPU signature (family, model,stepping); ; Codename; ; L1, L2 and L3 Caches; ; Technology; ; CPU Vendor; ; Type and Brand ID; ; Logo for Vendors; ; calculation of PR-rating for AMD AthlonXP; ; Amout of RAM (available and total) ; Highest input values for standard and extended calls ; performed tests - Performance test (RSA encoding) ;****************************************************************************** ;HISTORY: ;2.1: CPUID 01/11/2006 (not finished) ;Author: Sergey Kuzmin aka Wildwest ;Features: ; (+) detection of dual-core AMD Opteron, but I came to conclusion that detection of AMD Fxxh CPU's should be changed (don't know how yet) ; (+) new caches for Intel ; (+) fixed Celeron detection based on L2 cache size for newest Intel CPU (there are Celeron models with 512 Kb); ; (+) CPUID now display System Clock with accuracy 0.01 MHz; ; (+) new logo for Intel (they changed it some time ago); ;Known issues: Sempron marked as AthlonXP ; second window doesn't closed when you close main window ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;2.0: CPUID 31/10/2006 ;Author: Sergey Kuzmin aka Wildwest ; Eugeniy Grechnikov aka Diamond ; Iliya Mikhailov aka Ghost ;Features: ; (+) detection of Brand ID of AMD CPU's (Opteron etc - not finished) ; (+) detection of Extended family and Model of AMD CPU's ; (+) interface+(redesign) ; (+) calculation of System Clock ; (++) added multiplier detection for AMD and Intel (thanks a lot to Ghost) ; (+) optimization of GIF decoder, code cleanup and bugfix by Diamond; ; (+) fixed bug with MMX+ detection for Cyrix CPU (in second window; ; it was properly recognized in main window); ; (+) we show appropiate message in second window if Extended Features ; ($8000_000x) aren't available; ; (+) we mark unknown CPU models as "Next generation CPU"; ;Known issues: Sempron marked as AthlonXP ; second window doesn't closed when you close main window ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;1.1: CPUID 17/03/2006 ;Author: Sergey Kuzmin aka Wildwest ;Features: ; (+) performance test now runs after click at "Press for more" button => we start app without test, i.e. ; immediately, but application can be unstable during multiple switching between windows(need testing) ; (++) added detection of total and available amount of RAM (would work only in KolibriOS) ; (++) added detection of extended family and model (not shown, but if you want...); ; (++) added detection of effective family and model; ; (+) more codenames: Intel Tejas, Presler, Yonah, Conroe; ; (+) more codenames: AMD Toledo; ; (+) interface+(redesign). ;Bugs: probably some non-critical graphical issues ;Known issues: Sempron is not supported (marked as AthlonXP) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;1.0: CPUID 26/09/2005 ;Author: Sergey Kuzmin aka Wildwest ;Additions: Marat Zakiyanov aka Mario79 ; Andrey Halyavin aka halyavin ;Features: ; (+) fixed bug, when processor doesn't support extented features and program don't report 'no' in such case ; (+) fixed bug in CPU Type detection ; (+) fixed bug, when program crashes on AMD AthlonXP when after click on 'Press for more' button ; you click on 'Choose FSB' button; ; (+) added output of highest standard and extended calls ; (+) Extended Features(phase 1 - big part of AMD/Intel specific EF) ; (+) reworked P-rating calculation for AMD AthlonXP -> ; now one program for 266, 333, 400 MHz FSB ; (but unstable - see Bugs section) ; (+) support for Intel F5x, renamed C3(Esther) to C7(Esther) ; (+) more codenames ; (Intel: new Prescott's model; Dothan; VIA: Esther; ; AMD: Newcastle, Paris, Winchester, San Diego, Venice, Palermo) ; (+) performance test (RSA encoding, fixed-point arithmetics) ; by Andrey Halyavin ; (+) interface+(thanks to Mario79 for additional window ; and to me for nice button) ;Bugs: probably some non-critical graphical issues ;Known issues: Sempron is not supported (marked as AthlonXP) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;0.9: CPUID 24/01/2005 ;Author: Sergey Kuzmin aka Wildwest ;Additions: Madis Kalme aka Madis731 ; Jeffrey Amelynck aka Profkid ;Features: ; (+) deleting leading whitespaces in Intel P4's internal name ; by Madis Kalme ; (+) all standard features ; (+) more codenames (Transmeta series) ; (+) caches for Cyrix ; (+) Brand ID for Intel ; (+) detect L3 cache for Intel ; (+) detect Xeon (will be improved later, at this moment see Brand) ; (+) interface+(redesign and grafical logos for vendors) ; (+) MMX+ test for Cyrix ; (+) Type for Intel ;Bugs: no !!! ;Known issues: Sempron is not supported (marked as AthlonXP) ; caches for IDT is not detected ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;0.8: CPUID 10/12/2004 ;Author: Sergey Kuzmin aka Wildwest ;Features: (+) CPUID now display frequency in Mhz with accuracy 0.01 MHz ; (+) more codenames - Intel Itanium :-) ; (+) display Internal Name ; (+) caches for Intel Pentium ; (+) Technology ; (+) detect L1 Trace Instruction cache and some new caches for Intel ; (+) detect Celerons based on Pentium III/4 kernels ; (+) interface+(redesign) and Logo for Vendors ; (+) fix for HTT detection on Celeron(it wasn't bug, just Intel's marketing) ; (+) test for MMX+ and 3DNow!+ ;Bugs: no !!! ;Known issues: Sempron not supported (marked as AthlonXP) ; Xeon is not fully supported (marked as Pentium except some models) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;0.7: CPUID 28/11/2004 ;Author: Sergey Kuzmin aka Wildwest ;Features: updated calculation of PR-rating for AMD AthlonXP, ; more codenames (AMD series: Applebred, Thorton), ; added L1 and L2 cache size detection, ; fix for 3DNow! detection on non-AMD CPU's ;Bugs: HTT detection on Celeron 4 (really Celeron 4 have HTT, ; but Intel disabled it in microcode) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;0.6: CPUID 28/10/2004 ;Author: Sergey Kuzmin aka Wildwest ;Features: added calculation of PR-rating for AMD AthlonXP(on request of ; RU-team), more codenames (VIA, Cyrix, IDT (Centaur) series), ; interface+ (redesign), added output of CPU frequency in MHz, ; fix for CPU clock detection (needs changes in kernel.asm), ; fixed bugs which were founded during public testing, ; decreased required memory 0x100000->0x340 ;Bugs: problem with 3DNow! detection on non-AMD CPU's (VIA C3 and others) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;0.5: CPUID 16/10/2004 ;Author: Sergey Kuzmin aka Wildwest ;Features: added test for Hyper-Threading Technology support, ; more codenames (Intel and AMD series) ; fasm 1.50 compability, interface+ (window type 2->3 and redesign) ; fix for window redrawing bug ;Bugs: error in CPU clock detection (cause: error in sysfunc 18 subfunc 5) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;0.4: CPUID 27/09/2004 ;Author: Sergey Kuzmin aka Wildwest ;Features: added processor codename's detection engine and little database of ; codenames (P1 and K7) ;Bugs: window redrawing bug, error in CPU clock detection ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;0.3: CPUID 26/09/2004 ;Author: Sergey Kuzmin aka Wildwest ;Features: display CPU frequency; CPU Vendor; ; CPU signature(family, model,stepping), ; test for MMX,SSE,SSE2,SSE3,3DNow! ;Bugs: window redrawing bug, error in CPU clock detection ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;0.2: TIMES from old OFFICIAL distribution 11/10/2001 ;Author: unknown hero (VT?) ;Features: display CPU frequency, CPU Vendor, ; test for MMX, Process Management ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;0.1: CPUSPEED from OFFICIAL distribution 21/05/2001 ;Author: unknown hero (VT?) ;Features: display CPU frequency ;*****************************************************************************