; This program shows information about thread ; ; usage: tinfo [slot of the thread] ; ; if slot number is omitted then assume slot = -1 ; ; to compile: nasm -f bin tinfo.asm -o tinfo ; ORG 0 BITS 32 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; PATH_SIZE equ 1024 PARAMS_SIZE equ 256 STACK_SIZE equ 256 PROC_INFO_SIZE equ 1024 TMP_BUFFER_SIZE equ 64 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; TEXT_WIDTH equ 8 BOLD_TEXT_WIDTH equ TEXT_WIDTH + 1 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; COLUMN1_MAX_COUNT equ 13 COLUMN2_MAX_COUNT equ 12 COLUMN3_MAX_COUNT equ 26 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; COLUMN_PADDING equ 3 COLUMN1_PADDING equ COLUMN_PADDING COLUMN2_PADDING equ COLUMN_PADDING COLUMN3_PADDING equ COLUMN_PADDING ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ITEM_HEIGHT equ 22 TEXT_HEIGHT equ 16 %IF 0 COLUMN1_ITEM_WIDTH equ COLUMN1_MAX_COUNT * BOLD_TEXT_WIDTH + COLUMN1_PADDING * 2 COLUMN2_ITEM_WIDTH equ COLUMN2_MAX_COUNT * BOLD_TEXT_WIDTH + COLUMN2_PADDING * 2 COLUMN3_ITEM_WIDTH equ COLUMN3_MAX_COUNT * BOLD_TEXT_WIDTH + COLUMN3_PADDING * 2 %ENDIF COLUMN1_ITEM_WIDTH equ COLUMN1_MAX_COUNT * TEXT_WIDTH + COLUMN1_PADDING * 2 COLUMN2_ITEM_WIDTH equ COLUMN2_MAX_COUNT * TEXT_WIDTH + COLUMN2_PADDING * 2 COLUMN3_ITEM_WIDTH equ COLUMN3_MAX_COUNT * TEXT_WIDTH + COLUMN3_PADDING * 2 ITEM_MARGIN equ 6 ITEM_BACK_COLOR_1 equ 0x00EAEAEA ITEM_BACK_COLOR_2 equ 0x00F4F4F4 ITEM_COUNT equ 18 ; at current time we have 18 items ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; COLUMN_Y equ 10 COLUMN1_X equ 10 COLUMN2_X equ COLUMN1_X + COLUMN1_ITEM_WIDTH + ITEM_MARGIN COLUMN3_X equ COLUMN2_X + COLUMN2_ITEM_WIDTH + ITEM_MARGIN ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; COLUMN1_TEXT_X equ COLUMN1_X + COLUMN1_PADDING COLUMN2_TEXT_X equ COLUMN2_X + COLUMN2_PADDING COLUMN3_TEXT_X equ COLUMN3_X + COLUMN3_PADDING ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; FRAME_TOP equ COLUMN_Y - ITEM_MARGIN / 2 FRAME_BOTTOM equ COLUMN_Y + ITEM_HEIGHT * ITEM_COUNT + ITEM_MARGIN / 2 - 1 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; FRAME1_LEFT equ COLUMN1_X - ITEM_MARGIN / 2 FRAME1_RIGHT equ COLUMN1_X + COLUMN1_ITEM_WIDTH + ITEM_MARGIN / 2 - 1 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; FRAME2_LEFT equ COLUMN2_X - ITEM_MARGIN / 2 FRAME2_RIGHT equ COLUMN2_X + COLUMN2_ITEM_WIDTH + ITEM_MARGIN / 2 - 1 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; FRAME3_LEFT equ COLUMN3_X - ITEM_MARGIN / 2 FRAME3_RIGHT equ COLUMN3_X + COLUMN3_ITEM_WIDTH + ITEM_MARGIN / 2 - 1 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; WINDOW_STYLE_SKINNED_FIXED equ 0x4000000 WINDOW_STYLE_COORD_CLIENT equ 0x20000000 WINDOW_STYLE_CAPTION equ 0x10000000 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; WINDOW_BORDER_SIZE equ 5 WINDOW_WIDTH equ FRAME3_RIGHT + FRAME1_LEFT + WINDOW_BORDER_SIZE * 2 WINDOW_STYLE equ WINDOW_STYLE_SKINNED_FIXED | WINDOW_STYLE_COORD_CLIENT | WINDOW_STYLE_CAPTION WINDOW_BACK_COLOR equ 0x00FFFFFF ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; INDICATOR_WIDTH equ 3 INDICATOR_HEIGHT equ 3 INDICATOR_LEFT equ COLUMN3_X + COLUMN3_ITEM_WIDTH + ITEM_MARGIN / 2 INDICATOR_TOP equ COLUMN_Y - ITEM_MARGIN / 2 - INDICATOR_HEIGHT ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; UPDATE_TIME equ 28 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; thread_info equ END + PATH_SIZE + PARAMS_SIZE tmpbuffer equ END + PATH_SIZE + PARAMS_SIZE + PROC_INFO_SIZE ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; KEYBOARD_MODE_ASCII equ 0 KEYBOARD_MODE_SCAN equ 1 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; WINDOW_STATE_MAXIMIZED equ 1 WINDOW_STATE_MINIMIZED equ 2 WINDOW_STATE_ROLLED_UP equ 4 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; THREAD_STATE_RUNNING equ 0 THREAD_STATE_SUSPENDED equ 1 THREAD_STATE_SUSPENDED_WAIT_EVENT equ 2 THREAD_STATE_NORMAL_TERMINATING equ 3 THREAD_STATE_EXCEPT_TERMINATING equ 4 THREAD_STATE_WAIT_EVENT equ 5 THREAD_STATE_SLOT_IS_FREE equ 9 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; EM_REDRAW equ 1b EM_KEY equ 10b EM_BUTTON equ 100b EM_RESERVED0 equ 1000b EM_REDRAW_BACKGROUND equ 10000b EM_MOUSE equ 100000b EM_IPC equ 1000000b EM_NETWORK equ 10000000b EM_DEBUG equ 100000000b ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; struc THREAD_INFO .cpu_usage resd 1 ; usage of the processor .win_stack_pos resw 1 ; position of the window of thread in the window stack .reserved0 resw 1 ; has no relation to the specified thread .reserved1 resw 1 ; reserved .name resb 11 ; name of the started file - executable file without extension .reserved2 resb 1 ; reserved, this byte is not changed .mem_address resd 1 ; address of the process in memory .mem_usage resd 1 ; size of used memory - 1 .identifier resd 1 ; identifier (PID/TID) .x resd 1 ; coordinate of the thread window on axis x .y resd 1 ; coordinate of the thread window on axis y .size_x resd 1 ; size of the thread window on axis x .size_y resd 1 ; size of the thread window on axis y .thread_state resw 1 ; status of the thread slot .reserved3 resw 1 ; reserved, this word is not changed .client_x resd 1 ; coordinate of the client area on axis x .client_y resd 1 ; coordinate of the client area on axis y .client_size_x resd 1 ; width of the client area .client_size_y resd 1 ; height of the client area .window_state resb 1 ; state of the window - bitfield .event_mask resd 1 ; event mask .keyboard_mode resb 1 ; keyboard mode endstruc ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; MENUET01 db 'MENUET01' version dd 1 program.start dd START program.end dd END program.memory dd END + PATH_SIZE + PARAMS_SIZE + PROC_INFO_SIZE + TMP_BUFFER_SIZE + STACK_SIZE program.stack dd END + PATH_SIZE + PARAMS_SIZE + PROC_INFO_SIZE + TMP_BUFFER_SIZE + STACK_SIZE program.params dd END + PATH_SIZE program.path dd END ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; slot dd -1 ; for default if no params ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; screen: .height dw 0 .width dw 0 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; window: .left dd 0 .top dd 0 .width dd 0 .height dd 0 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; fore_color dd 0x00000000 back_color dd ITEM_BACK_COLOR_1 frame_color dd 0x00CCCCCC ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; BackColors: dd 1 dd ITEM_BACK_COLOR_1 dd ITEM_BACK_COLOR_2 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; IndicatorColors: dd 1 dd 0x000AF000 dd 0x00000FA0 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; %define x [Pos.x] %define y [Pos.y] Pos: .x dd COLUMN1_X .y dd COLUMN_Y ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; sz_caption db "ThreadInfo",0 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; sz_cpu_usage db "CPU usage",0 sz_win_stack_pos db "Win stack pos",0 sz_name db "Name",0 sz_mem_address db "Mem address",0 sz_mem_usage db "Mem usage",0 sz_identifier db "Identifier",0 sz_x db "X",0 sz_y db "Y",0 sz_size_x db "Size X",0 sz_size_y db "Size Y",0 sz_thread_state db "Thread state",0 sz_client_x db "Client X",0 sz_client_y db "Client Y",0 sz_client_size_x db "Client Size X",0 sz_client_size_y db "Client Size Y",0 sz_window_state db "Window state",0 sz_event_mask db "Event mask",0 sz_keyboard_mode db "Keyboard mode",0 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; state of the window sz_maximized db "Max ",0 sz_minimized db "Min ",0 sz_rolled_up db "RollUp ",0 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; keyboard mode sz_ascii db "ASCII",0 sz_scan db "SCAN ",0 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; status of the thread slot sz_running db "running ",0 sz_suspended db "suspended ",0 sz_suspended_wait_event db "suspended wait event",0 sz_normal_terminating db "normal terminating ",0 sz_except_terminating db "except. terminating ",0 sz_wait_event db "wait event ",0 sz_slot_is_free db "slot is free ",0 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; event mask sz_redraw db "rdrw ",0 sz_key db "key ",0 sz_button db "btn ",0 sz_reserved0 db "rsrvd0 ",0 sz_redraw_background db "bckgr ",0 sz_mouse db "mouse ",0 sz_ipc db "ipc ",0 sz_network db "net ",0 sz_debug db "dbg ",0 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; sz_undefined db "UnDef ",0 ; **************************************************************************** ; %macro DrawCpuUsage 0 ; sz_cpu_usage push dword COLUMN1_TEXT_X push dword y push dword sz_cpu_usage push dword [fore_color] push dword [back_color] call DrawText ; [cpu_usage] push dword [thread_info + THREAD_INFO.cpu_usage] call uint2str push dword COLUMN2_MAX_COUNT call PadBuffSpaces push dword COLUMN2_TEXT_X push dword y push dword tmpbuffer push dword [fore_color] push dword [back_color] call DrawText call ChangeBackColor add y, dword ITEM_HEIGHT %endmacro ; **************************************************************************** ; %macro DrawWinStackPos 0 ; sz_win_stack_pos push dword COLUMN1_TEXT_X push dword y push dword sz_win_stack_pos push dword [fore_color] push dword [back_color] call DrawText ; [win_stack_pos] movzx eax, word [thread_info + THREAD_INFO.win_stack_pos] push eax call uint2str push dword COLUMN2_MAX_COUNT call PadBuffSpaces push dword COLUMN2_TEXT_X push dword y push dword tmpbuffer push dword [fore_color] push dword [back_color] call DrawText call ChangeBackColor add y, dword ITEM_HEIGHT %endmacro ; **************************************************************************** ; %macro DrawName 0 ; sz_name push dword COLUMN1_TEXT_X push dword y push dword sz_name push dword [fore_color] push dword [back_color] call DrawText ; name push dword COLUMN2_TEXT_X push dword y push dword (thread_info + THREAD_INFO.name) push dword [fore_color] push dword [back_color] call DrawText call ChangeBackColor add y, dword ITEM_HEIGHT %endmacro ; **************************************************************************** ; %macro DrawMemAddress 0 ; sz_mem_address push dword COLUMN1_TEXT_X push dword y push dword sz_mem_address push dword [fore_color] push dword [back_color] call DrawText ; [mem_address] push dword [thread_info + THREAD_INFO.mem_address] call uint2str push dword COLUMN2_MAX_COUNT call PadBuffSpaces push dword COLUMN2_TEXT_X push dword y push dword tmpbuffer push dword [fore_color] push dword [back_color] call DrawText call ChangeBackColor add y, dword ITEM_HEIGHT %endmacro ; **************************************************************************** ; %macro DrawMemUsage 0 ; sz_mem_usage push dword COLUMN1_TEXT_X push dword y push dword sz_mem_usage push dword [fore_color] push dword [back_color] call DrawText ; [mem_usage] push dword [thread_info + THREAD_INFO.mem_usage] call uint2str push dword COLUMN2_MAX_COUNT call PadBuffSpaces push dword COLUMN2_TEXT_X push dword y push dword tmpbuffer push dword [fore_color] push dword [back_color] call DrawText call ChangeBackColor add y, dword ITEM_HEIGHT %endmacro ; **************************************************************************** ; %macro DrawIdentifier 0 ; sz_identifier push dword COLUMN1_TEXT_X push dword y push dword sz_identifier push dword [fore_color] push dword [back_color] call DrawText ; [identifier] push dword [thread_info + THREAD_INFO.identifier] call uint2str push dword COLUMN2_MAX_COUNT call PadBuffSpaces push dword COLUMN2_TEXT_X push dword y push dword tmpbuffer push dword [fore_color] push dword [back_color] call DrawText call ChangeBackColor add y, dword ITEM_HEIGHT %endmacro ; **************************************************************************** ; %macro DrawWindowX 0 ; sz_x push dword COLUMN1_TEXT_X push dword y push dword sz_x push dword [fore_color] push dword [back_color] call DrawText ; [x] push dword [thread_info + THREAD_INFO.x] call uint2str push dword COLUMN2_MAX_COUNT call PadBuffSpaces push dword COLUMN2_TEXT_X push dword y push dword tmpbuffer push dword [fore_color] push dword [back_color] call DrawText call ChangeBackColor add y, dword ITEM_HEIGHT %endmacro ; **************************************************************************** ; %macro DrawWindowY 0 ; sz_y push dword COLUMN1_TEXT_X push dword y push dword sz_y push dword [fore_color] push dword [back_color] call DrawText ; [y] push dword [thread_info + THREAD_INFO.y] call uint2str push dword COLUMN2_MAX_COUNT call PadBuffSpaces push dword COLUMN2_TEXT_X push dword y push dword tmpbuffer push dword [fore_color] push dword [back_color] call DrawText call ChangeBackColor add y, dword ITEM_HEIGHT %endmacro ; **************************************************************************** ; %macro DrawWindowSizeX 0 ; sz_size_x push dword COLUMN1_TEXT_X push dword y push dword sz_size_x push dword [fore_color] push dword [back_color] call DrawText ; [size_x] push dword [thread_info + THREAD_INFO.size_x] call uint2str push dword COLUMN2_MAX_COUNT call PadBuffSpaces push dword COLUMN2_TEXT_X push dword y push dword tmpbuffer push dword [fore_color] push dword [back_color] call DrawText call ChangeBackColor add y, dword ITEM_HEIGHT %endmacro ; **************************************************************************** ; %macro DrawWindowSizeY 0 ; sz_size_y push dword COLUMN1_TEXT_X push dword y push dword sz_size_y push dword [fore_color] push dword [back_color] call DrawText ; [size_y] push dword [thread_info + THREAD_INFO.size_y] call uint2str push dword COLUMN2_MAX_COUNT call PadBuffSpaces push dword COLUMN2_TEXT_X push dword y push dword tmpbuffer push dword [fore_color] push dword [back_color] call DrawText call ChangeBackColor add y, dword ITEM_HEIGHT %endmacro ; **************************************************************************** ; %macro DrawThreadState 0 ; sz_thread_state push dword COLUMN1_TEXT_X push dword y push dword sz_thread_state push dword [fore_color] push dword [back_color] call DrawText ; decoded_thread_state & [thread_state] movzx eax, word [thread_info + THREAD_INFO.thread_state] push eax ; for "call uint2str" below %%running: cmp eax, THREAD_STATE_RUNNING jne %%suspended mov eax, sz_running jmp %%draw_decoded_thread_state %%suspended: cmp eax, THREAD_STATE_SUSPENDED jne %%suspended_w mov eax, sz_suspended jmp %%draw_decoded_thread_state %%suspended_w: cmp eax, THREAD_STATE_SUSPENDED_WAIT_EVENT jne %%normal_term mov eax, sz_suspended_wait_event jmp %%draw_decoded_thread_state %%normal_term: cmp eax, THREAD_STATE_NORMAL_TERMINATING jne %%except_term mov eax, sz_normal_terminating jmp %%draw_decoded_thread_state %%except_term: cmp eax, THREAD_STATE_EXCEPT_TERMINATING jne %%wait_event mov eax, sz_except_terminating jmp %%draw_decoded_thread_state %%wait_event: cmp eax, THREAD_STATE_WAIT_EVENT jne %%slot_free mov eax, sz_wait_event jmp %%draw_decoded_thread_state %%slot_free: cmp eax, THREAD_STATE_SLOT_IS_FREE jne %%undefined mov eax, sz_slot_is_free jmp %%draw_decoded_thread_state %%undefined: mov eax, sz_undefined %%draw_decoded_thread_state: push dword COLUMN3_TEXT_X push dword y push eax push dword [fore_color] push dword [back_color] call DrawText call uint2str push dword COLUMN2_MAX_COUNT call PadBuffSpaces push dword COLUMN2_TEXT_X push dword y push dword tmpbuffer push dword [fore_color] push dword [back_color] call DrawText call ChangeBackColor add y, dword ITEM_HEIGHT %endmacro ; **************************************************************************** ; %macro DrawClientX 0 ; sz_client_x push dword COLUMN1_TEXT_X push dword y push dword sz_client_x push dword [fore_color] push dword [back_color] call DrawText ; [client_x] push dword [thread_info + THREAD_INFO.client_x] call uint2str push dword COLUMN2_MAX_COUNT call PadBuffSpaces push dword COLUMN2_TEXT_X push dword y push dword tmpbuffer push dword [fore_color] push dword [back_color] call DrawText call ChangeBackColor add y, dword ITEM_HEIGHT %endmacro ; **************************************************************************** ; %macro DrawClientY 0 ; sz_client_y push dword COLUMN1_TEXT_X push dword y push dword sz_client_y push dword [fore_color] push dword [back_color] call DrawText ; [client_y] push dword [thread_info + THREAD_INFO.client_y] call uint2str push dword COLUMN2_MAX_COUNT call PadBuffSpaces push dword COLUMN2_TEXT_X push dword y push dword tmpbuffer push dword [fore_color] push dword [back_color] call DrawText call ChangeBackColor add y, dword ITEM_HEIGHT %endmacro ; **************************************************************************** ; %macro DrawClientSizeX 0 ; sz_client_size_x push dword COLUMN1_TEXT_X push dword y push dword sz_client_size_x push dword [fore_color] push dword [back_color] call DrawText ; [client_size_x] push dword [thread_info + THREAD_INFO.client_size_x] call uint2str push dword COLUMN2_MAX_COUNT call PadBuffSpaces push dword COLUMN2_TEXT_X push dword y push dword tmpbuffer push dword [fore_color] push dword [back_color] call DrawText call ChangeBackColor add y, dword ITEM_HEIGHT %endmacro ; **************************************************************************** ; %macro DrawClientSizeY 0 ; sz_client_size_y push dword COLUMN1_TEXT_X push dword y push dword sz_client_size_y push dword [fore_color] push dword [back_color] call DrawText ; [client_size_y] push dword [thread_info + THREAD_INFO.client_size_y] call uint2str push dword COLUMN2_MAX_COUNT call PadBuffSpaces push dword COLUMN2_TEXT_X push dword y push dword tmpbuffer push dword [fore_color] push dword [back_color] call DrawText call ChangeBackColor add y, dword ITEM_HEIGHT %endmacro ; **************************************************************************** ; %macro DrawWindowState 0 ; sz_window_state push dword COLUMN1_TEXT_X push dword y push dword sz_window_state push dword [fore_color] push dword [back_color] call DrawText ; decoded_window_state & [window_state] movzx eax, byte [thread_info + THREAD_INFO.window_state] push eax ; for "call uint2str" below mov ebx, eax mov [tmpbuffer], byte 0 %%maximized: test ebx, WINDOW_STATE_MAXIMIZED jz %%minimized push tmpbuffer push sz_maximized call StringConcatenate %%minimized: test ebx, WINDOW_STATE_MINIMIZED jz %%rolled_up push tmpbuffer push sz_minimized call StringConcatenate %%rolled_up: test ebx, WINDOW_STATE_ROLLED_UP jz %%draw_decoded_window_state push tmpbuffer push sz_rolled_up call StringConcatenate %%draw_decoded_window_state: push dword COLUMN3_MAX_COUNT call PadBuffSpaces push dword COLUMN3_TEXT_X push dword y push dword tmpbuffer push dword [fore_color] push dword [back_color] call DrawText call uint2str push dword COLUMN2_MAX_COUNT call PadBuffSpaces push dword COLUMN2_TEXT_X push dword y push dword tmpbuffer push dword [fore_color] push dword [back_color] call DrawText call ChangeBackColor add y, dword ITEM_HEIGHT %endmacro ; **************************************************************************** ; %macro DrawEventMask 0 ; sz_event_mask push dword COLUMN1_TEXT_X push dword y push dword sz_event_mask push dword [fore_color] push dword [back_color] call DrawText ; decoded_event_mask & [event_mask] mov eax, [thread_info + THREAD_INFO.event_mask] push eax ; for "call uint2str" below mov ebx, eax mov [tmpbuffer], byte 0 %%redraw: test ebx, EM_REDRAW jz %%key push tmpbuffer push sz_redraw call StringConcatenate %%key: test ebx, EM_KEY jz %%button push tmpbuffer push sz_key call StringConcatenate %%button: test ebx, EM_BUTTON jz %%reserved0 push tmpbuffer push sz_button call StringConcatenate %%reserved0: test ebx, EM_RESERVED0 jz %%redraw_background push tmpbuffer push sz_reserved0 call StringConcatenate %%redraw_background: test ebx, EM_REDRAW_BACKGROUND jz %%mouse push tmpbuffer push sz_redraw_background call StringConcatenate %%mouse: test ebx, EM_MOUSE jz %%ipc push tmpbuffer push sz_mouse call StringConcatenate %%ipc: test ebx, EM_IPC jz %%network push tmpbuffer push sz_ipc call StringConcatenate %%network: test ebx, EM_NETWORK jz %%debug push tmpbuffer push sz_network call StringConcatenate %%debug: test ebx, EM_DEBUG jz %%draw_decoded_event_mask push tmpbuffer push sz_debug call StringConcatenate %%draw_decoded_event_mask: push dword COLUMN3_MAX_COUNT call PadBuffSpaces push dword COLUMN3_TEXT_X push dword y push dword tmpbuffer push dword [fore_color] push dword [back_color] call DrawText call uint2str push dword COLUMN2_MAX_COUNT call PadBuffSpaces push dword COLUMN2_TEXT_X push dword y push dword tmpbuffer push dword [fore_color] push dword [back_color] call DrawText call ChangeBackColor add y, dword ITEM_HEIGHT %endmacro ; **************************************************************************** ; %macro DrawKeyboardMode 0 push dword COLUMN2_MAX_COUNT call PadBuffSpaces ; sz_keyboard_mode push dword COLUMN1_TEXT_X push dword y push dword sz_keyboard_mode push dword [fore_color] push dword [back_color] call DrawText ; decoded_keyboard_mode & [keyboard_mode] movzx eax, byte [thread_info + THREAD_INFO.keyboard_mode] push eax ; for "call uint2str" below %%ascii: cmp eax, KEYBOARD_MODE_ASCII jne %%scan mov eax, sz_ascii jmp %%draw_decoded_keyboard_mode %%scan: cmp eax, KEYBOARD_MODE_SCAN jne %%undefined mov eax, sz_scan jmp %%draw_decoded_keyboard_mode %%undefined: mov eax, sz_undefined %%draw_decoded_keyboard_mode: push dword COLUMN3_TEXT_X push dword y push eax push dword [fore_color] push dword [back_color] call DrawText call uint2str push dword COLUMN2_TEXT_X push dword y push dword tmpbuffer push dword [fore_color] push dword [back_color] call DrawText call ChangeBackColor add y, dword ITEM_HEIGHT %endmacro ; **************************************************************************** ; %macro DrawUpdateIndicator 0 mov eax, [IndicatorColors] sub eax, 3 neg eax mov [IndicatorColors], eax ; draw.rectangle mov edx, [eax * 4 + IndicatorColors] mov eax, 13 mov ebx, INDICATOR_LEFT << 16 | INDICATOR_WIDTH mov ecx, INDICATOR_TOP << 16 | INDICATOR_HEIGHT int 64 %endmacro ; **************************************************************************** ; %macro DrawTable 0 ; DrawFrames push dword FRAME1_LEFT push dword FRAME_TOP push dword FRAME1_RIGHT push dword FRAME_BOTTOM push dword [frame_color] call DrawFrame push dword FRAME2_LEFT push dword FRAME_TOP push dword FRAME2_RIGHT push dword FRAME_BOTTOM push dword [frame_color] call DrawFrame push dword FRAME3_LEFT push dword FRAME_TOP push dword FRAME3_RIGHT push dword FRAME_BOTTOM push dword [frame_color] call DrawFrame ; DrawItems mov esi, COLUMN_Y xor edi, edi %%draw_item: cmp edi, ITEM_COUNT jnl %%done mov ecx, esi shl ecx, 16 or ecx, ITEM_HEIGHT ; draw.rectangle mov eax, 13 mov ebx, COLUMN1_X << 16 | COLUMN1_ITEM_WIDTH mov edx, [back_color] int 64 ; draw.rectangle mov eax, 13 mov ebx, COLUMN2_X << 16 | COLUMN2_ITEM_WIDTH mov edx, [back_color] int 64 ; draw.rectangle mov eax, 13 mov ebx, COLUMN3_X << 16 | COLUMN3_ITEM_WIDTH mov edx, [back_color] int 64 call ChangeBackColor add esi, ITEM_HEIGHT inc edi jmp %%draw_item %%done: %endmacro ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; align 4 START: mov esi, [program.params] test [esi], byte 0xFF jz .no_params ; str2uint(program.params) xor eax, eax xor ecx, ecx .convert: lodsb test al, al jz .converted lea ecx, [ecx + ecx * 4] lea ecx, [eax + ecx * 2 - 48] jmp .convert .converted: mov [slot], ecx .no_params: ; get.screen.size mov eax, 61 mov ebx, 1 int 64 mov [screen], eax ; skin.height mov eax, 48 mov ebx, 4 int 64 add eax, FRAME_BOTTOM + FRAME_TOP + WINDOW_BORDER_SIZE mov [window.width], dword WINDOW_WIDTH mov [window.height], eax movzx eax, word [screen.width] movzx edx, word [screen.height] sub eax, [window.width] sub edx, [window.height] shr eax, 1 shr edx, 1 mov [window.left], eax mov [window.top], edx ; set.event mov eax, 40 mov ebx, EM_REDRAW | EM_BUTTON int 64 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; align 4 on_redraw: ; redraw.start mov eax, 12 mov ebx, 1 int 64 ; draw.window xor eax, eax mov ebx, [window.left] mov ecx, [window.top] shl ebx, 16 shl ecx, 16 or ebx, [window.width] or ecx, [window.height] mov edx, WINDOW_STYLE | WINDOW_BACK_COLOR mov edi, sz_caption xor esi, esi int 64 ; redraw.finish mov eax, 12 mov ebx, 2 int 64 DrawTable call UpdateThreadInfo align 4 wait.event.by.time: mov eax, 23 mov ebx, UPDATE_TIME int 64 dec eax jz on_redraw ; IF eax = 1 THEN redraw jns on_button ; ELSEIF eax = 2 THEN button call UpdateThreadInfo ; ELSE no event -> update thread info jmp wait.event.by.time align 4 on_button: ; terminate because we have only one button(close button) or eax, -1 int 64 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; align 4 UpdateThreadInfo: ; get.thread.info mov eax, 9 mov ebx, thread_info mov ecx, [slot] int 64 mov x, dword COLUMN1_X mov y, dword COLUMN_Y + (ITEM_HEIGHT - TEXT_HEIGHT) / 2 mov [back_color], dword ITEM_BACK_COLOR_1 mov [BackColors], dword 1 ; order of next "Draw..." can be changed DrawName DrawThreadState DrawWindowState DrawEventMask DrawKeyboardMode DrawCpuUsage DrawMemUsage DrawMemAddress DrawIdentifier DrawWinStackPos DrawWindowX DrawWindowY DrawWindowSizeX DrawWindowSizeY DrawClientX DrawClientY DrawClientSizeX DrawClientSizeY DrawUpdateIndicator ; blinking thing at upper right corner ret ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; align 4 DrawFrame: %define Color [esp + 4 +1*4] %define Bottom [esp + 8 +1*4] %define Top [esp + 16 +1*4] %define Right [esp + 12 +1*4] %define Left [esp + 20 +1*4] push ebp mov eax, 38 mov edx, Color mov esi, Bottom mov edi, Top mov ebp, Right mov ebx, Left shl ebx, 16 mov bx, bp shrd ecx, edi, 16 mov cx, di int 64 shrd ecx, esi, 16 mov cx, si int 64 shld esi, ebx, 16 mov bx, si shrd ecx, edi, 16 int 64 shrd ebx, ebp, 16 mov bx, bp int 64 pop ebp ret 20 %undef Color %undef Bottom %undef Top %undef Right %undef Left ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; align 4 StringConcatenate: %define stradd [esp + 4] %define str [esp + 8] mov esi, stradd or ecx, -1 mov edi, esi xor eax, eax repne scasb mov edx, ecx mov edi, str repne scasb dec edi not edx mov eax, str mov ecx, edx shr ecx, 2 and edx, 3 rep movsd mov ecx, edx rep movsb ret 8 %undef stradd %undef str ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; align 4 DrawText: %define x [esp + 20] %define y [esp + 16] %define text [esp + 12] %define fore_color [esp + 8] %define back_color [esp + 4] mov eax, 4 mov ecx, fore_color mov edi, back_color mov edx, text mov ebx, x shl ebx, 16 or ebx, y or ecx, 0xD0000000 int 64 ret 20 %undef x %undef y %undef text %undef fore_color %undef back_color ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; %IF 0 align 4 DrawTextBold: %define x [esp + 20] %define y [esp + 16] %define text [esp + 12] %define fore_color [esp + 8] %define back_color [esp + 4] mov eax, 4 mov ecx, fore_color mov edi, back_color mov esi, 1 ; count mov edx, text mov ebx, x shl ebx, 16 or ebx, y align 4 .next: test [edx], byte 0xFF jz .done or ecx, 0x50000000 int 64 add ebx, (1 << 16) and ecx, 0x10FFFFFF int 64 add ebx, (TEXT_WIDTH << 16) inc edx jmp .next align 4 .done: ret 20 %undef x %undef y %undef text %undef fore_color %undef back_color %ENDIF ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; align 4 ChangeBackColor: mov eax, [BackColors] sub eax, 3 neg eax mov [BackColors], eax mov eax, [eax * 4 + BackColors] mov [back_color], eax ret ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; align 4 uint2str: %define value [esp + 4] push dword value ; value push dword 10 ; base(decimal) push dword tmpbuffer ; buffer call ConvertToBase ret 4 %undef value ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; align 4 ConvertToBase: %define value [esp + 12] ; value treated as unsigned %define base [esp + 8] ; 2 <= base <= 36 %define buffer [esp + 4] ; SizeOf(buffer) => (32 + 1) mov eax, value mov ecx, base mov esi, buffer mov edi, esi ; +0 +31 +32 add esi, 32 ; base2(0xFFFFFFFF) = 11111111111111111111111111111111b mov [esi], byte 0 ; end of string byte 0 align 4 .next: xor edx, edx div ecx dec esi mov dl, [edx + .digits]; (put digit mov [esi], dl ; to buffer) test eax, eax jnz .next ; shift result string to buffer beginning mov eax, esi sub eax, edi mov ecx, 32 + 1 sub ecx, eax mov eax, edi ; return buffer ; yes, memory overlapped, but edi not above than esi ; hope that movsD faster than movsB in this case ; if you want only "rep movsb" because it shorter then remove five next lines before "rep movsb" mov edx, ecx shr ecx, 2 and edx, 3 rep movsd mov ecx, edx rep movsb ret 12 %undef value %undef base %undef buffer align 4 .digits db "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; align 4 PadBuffSpaces: %define maxlen [esp + 4] mov edi, tmpbuffer or ecx, -1 xor eax, eax repne scasb dec edi sub eax, ecx dec eax mov ecx, maxlen sub ecx, eax mov eax, " " mov edx, ecx shr ecx, 2 and edx, 3 rep stosd mov ecx, edx rep stosb mov [edi], byte 0 ret 4 %undef maxlen ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; align 4 END: