#ifdef LANG_RUS #define DL_WINDOW_HEADER "Менеджер з грузок" #define START_DOWNLOADING "Н ч ть з к чку" #define STOP_DOWNLOADING "Ост новить" #define SHOW_IN_FOLDER "Пок з ть в п пке" #define OPEN_FILE_TEXT "Открыть ф йл" #define FILE_SAVED_AS "'Менеджер з грузок\nФ йл сохр нен к к " #define KB_RECEIVED " получено" #else #define DL_WINDOW_HEADER "Download Manager" #define START_DOWNLOADING "Start downloading" #define STOP_DOWNLOADING "Stop downloading" #define SHOW_IN_FOLDER "Show in folder" #define OPEN_FILE_TEXT "Open file" #define FILE_SAVED_AS "'Download manager\nFile saved as " #define KB_RECEIVED " received" #endif char save_to[4096] = "/tmp0/1/Downloads"; proc_info DL_Form; char downloader_edit[10000]; char filepath[4096]; int mouse_twbi; edit_box ed = {250,20,20,0xffffff,0x94AECE,0xffffff,0xffffff,0,sizeof(downloader_edit),#downloader_edit,#mouse_twbi,2,19,19}; progress_bar pb = {0, 170, 51, 225, 12, 0, 0, 100, 0xFFFfff, 0x74DA00, 0x9F9F9F}; byte downloader_opened; char downloader_stak[4096]; char str[2048]; char aux[2048]; void Downloader() { int key; char notify_message[4296]; downloader_opened = 1; SetEventMask(0x27); downloader.Stop(); if (downloader_edit[0]) StartDownloading(); else strcpy(#downloader_edit, "http://"); ed.size = ed.pos = ed.shift = ed.shift_old = strlen(#downloader_edit); loop() { WaitEventTimeout(30); switch(EAX & 0xFF) { CASE evMouse: if (!CheckActiveProcess(DL_Form.ID)) break; edit_box_mouse stdcall (#ed); break; case evButton: Key_Scan(GetButtonID()); break; case evKey: GetKeys(); EAX = key_ascii << 8; edit_box_key stdcall(#ed); if (key_scancode==SCAN_CODE_ENTER) Key_Scan(301); break; case evReDraw: system.color.get(); DefineAndDrawWindow(215, 100, 420, 120, 0x74, system.color.work, DL_WINDOW_HEADER, 0); GetProcessInfo(#DL_Form, SelfInfo); if (DL_Form.status_window>2) break; if (DL_Form.height<120) MoveSize(OLD,OLD,OLD,120); if (DL_Form.width<280) MoveSize(OLD,OLD,280,OLD); DL_Draw_Window(); break; default: if (!downloader.MonitorProgress()) break; pb.max = downloader.data_full_size; if (pb.value != downloader.data_downloaded_size) { pb.value = downloader.data_downloaded_size; progressbar_draw stdcall(#pb); DrawDownloading(); } if (downloader.state == STATE_COMPLETED) { if (!dir_exists(#save_to)) CreateDir(#save_to); strcpy(#filepath, #save_to); chrcat(#filepath, '/'); // Clean all slashes at the end strcpy(#aux, #downloader_edit); while (aux[strlen(#aux)-1] == '/') { aux[strlen(#aux)-1] = 0; } strcat(#filepath, #aux+strrchr(#aux, '/')); if (WriteFile(downloader.data_downloaded_size, downloader.bufpointer, #filepath)==0) sprintf(#notify_message, "%s%s%s",FILE_SAVED_AS,#filepath,"' -Dt"); else sprintf(#notify_message, "%s%s%s","'Download manager\nError! Can\96t save file as ",#filepath,"' -Et"); notify(#notify_message); StopDownloading(); DL_Draw_Window(); break; } } } } void Key_Scan(int id) { if (id==001) { downloader_opened=0; StopDownloading(); ExitProcess(); } if (id==301) && (downloader.http_transfer <= 0) StartDownloading(); if (id==302) StopDownloading(); if (id==305) RunProgram("/sys/File managers/Eolite", #save_to); if (id==306) RunProgram("@open", #filepath); } void DL_Draw_Window() { byte cleft = 15; DrawBar(0,0, DL_Form.cwidth, DL_Form.cheight, system.color.work); DeleteButton(305); DeleteButton(306); if (downloader.state == STATE_NOT_STARTED) || (downloader.state == STATE_COMPLETED) { DrawCaptButton(cleft, 50, 140, 27, 301, system.color.work_button, system.color.work_button_text, START_DOWNLOADING); } if (downloader.state == STATE_IN_PROGRESS) { DrawCaptButton(cleft, 50, 140, 27, 302, system.color.work_button, system.color.work_button_text, STOP_DOWNLOADING); DrawDownloading(); } if (downloader.state == STATE_COMPLETED) { DrawCaptButton(cleft+140, 50, 110, 27, 305, system.color.work_button, system.color.work_button_text, SHOW_IN_FOLDER); DrawCaptButton(cleft+260, 50, 120, 27, 306, system.color.work_button, system.color.work_button_text, OPEN_FILE_TEXT); } WriteText(cleft, ed.top + 4, 0x80, system.color.work_text, "URL:"); ed.left = strlen("URL:")*6 + 10 + cleft; ed.width = DL_Form.cwidth - ed.left - cleft - 3; ed.offset=0; //edit_box_draw stdcall(#ed); DrawEditBox(#ed); //DrawRectangle(ed.left-1, ed.top-1, ed.width+2, 16, ed.blur_border_color); //DrawRectangle(ed.left-2, ed.top-2, ed.width+4, 18, border_color); } void StartDownloading() { StopDownloading(); if (strncmp(#downloader_edit,"http://",7)!=0) { notify("'File address should start from http://' -E"); return; } if (!downloader.Start(#downloader_edit)) { notify("'Error while starting download process.\nPlease, check entered path and internet connection.' -E"); StopDownloading(); return; } ed.blur_border_color = 0xCACACA; ed.flags = 100000000000b; pb.value = 0; DL_Draw_Window(); } void DrawDownloading() { char bytes_received[70]; dword tmp = ConvertSizeToKb(downloader.data_downloaded_size); sprintf(#bytes_received, "%s%s", tmp, KB_RECEIVED); DrawBar(pb.left, pb.top + 17, DL_Form.cwidth - pb.left, 9, system.color.work); WriteText(pb.left, pb.top + 17, 0x80, system.color.work_text, #bytes_received); progressbar_draw stdcall(#pb); } void StopDownloading() { downloader.Stop(); ed.blur_border_color = 0xFFFfff; ed.flags = 10b; DL_Draw_Window(); }