lang equ ru ; ; Assembler ; SMALL ; CODE ; Graphics ; Libary ; ; Ver 0.18 ; ; draw image into image with alpha color mask ; image_draw_acimage dest, source, x, y, alpha_color ; macro image_draw_acimage dest, source, x, y, alpha_color { local next_pix,next_line,skip_pix,no_skip push dest push source push x push y push alpha_color pop ebp ; alpha color pop eax ; y pop ebx ; x pop esi ; src pop edi ; dest call image_draw_acimage_proc if ~ defined image_draw_acimage_used image_draw_acimage_used equ 1 jmp end_image_draw_acimage_proc image_draw_acimage_proc: mov ecx,dword [edi] ; ecx = canvas width mul ecx ; edx:eax = ypos * canvas width add eax,ebx ; eax = (ypos * canvas width) + xpos lea eax,[eax+eax*2+8] ; eax=(y*xsize+x)*3+8 (8=skip xy size dwords) mov edx,[esi] ; edx = img width sub ecx,edx ; ecx = canvas width - img width lea ebx,[ecx*2+ecx] ; ebx = how many pixels skip for new line mov ecx,[esi+4] ; ecx = img height add esi,8 ; esi + 8 for skip xy size dwords add edi,eax ; edi = dest position shl ebp,8 ; for fast compare with alpha color cld ; set movs direction flag next_line: push edx next_pix: mov eax,[esi] shl eax,8 cmp eax,ebp je skip_pix movsw movsb jmp no_skip skip_pix: add esi,3 add edi,3 no_skip: dec edx jnz next_pix pop edx add edi,ebx dec ecx jnz next_line ret end_image_draw_acimage_proc : end if } macro image_set_size image,width,height { mov dword [image],width mov dword [image+4],height } ; label - draw label on window ; example: ; label 10,12,'Hello World!',cl_Green+font_size_x4+utf16 macro image_draw_label image,x,y,text,color { local label_text draw_to_buffer equ 00001000b shl 24 jmp @f label_text db text @@: words2reg ebx,x,y ; ebx - position dword2reg ecx,color+draw_to_buffer ; ecx - color mov edi,image mov edx,label_text ; edx - address of label text mov esi,@b-label_text ; esi - size of libel in bytes mov eax,4 mcall } ; draw_frect - draw filled rect macro draw_frect x,y,xs,ys,color { wordstoreg ebx,x,xs ;x*65536+xs wordstoreg ecx,y,ys ;y*65536+ys mov edx,color mov eax,13 mcall } ; draw_label - Draw label in window ; example: ; draw_label 10,12,'Hello World!',cl_Green+font_size_x4+utf16 macro draw_label x,y,text,color { local label_text words2reg ebx,x,y ; ebx - position if text eqtype 123 | text eqtype eax movt edx,text mov ecx,color+(1 shl 31) ; ecx - color else mov edx,label_text ; edx - address of label text jmp @f label_text db text @@: mov esi,@b-label_text ; esi - size of libel in bytes movt ecx,color ; ecx - color end if mov eax,4 mcall } hide_zeros equ (1 shl 31) use_bg_color equ (1 shl 30) use_big_font equ (1 shl 28) macro draw_number data, x, y, color, numtype, bg_color { movt ecx,data movt ebx,numtype mov bl,0 ; if bl = 0, ecx is contain number words2reg edx,x,y if bg_color eq movt esi,color else movt esi,color+use_bg_color movt edi,bg_color end if mov eax,47 mcall } ; draw_image - macro for draw image on window area macro draw_image x, y, image { mov ecx,[image-2] ; -2 for except shl ecx,16 mov cx,[image+4] ; ecx = xsize*65536+ysize wordstoreg edx, x, y ; edx = x*65536+y lea ebx,[image+8] ; ebx = image data address mov eax,7 ; eax = 7 is draw image function mcall } aframetoimg_use_count=0 macro aframetoimg img, x, y, canvas,acol { local loo,loo2,acolor aframetoimg_use_count=aframetoimg_use_count+1 if aframetoimg_use_count = 1 jmp end_aframetoimg_proc acolor dd 0 aframetoimg_proc: ;getout coord mov [acolor],ebp mov edx,ebx ;img ;xsize movzx eax,word [edx] add eax,esi ;y cor ; mov eax,esi ;y cor mul dword [ecx] ;canvas xsize add eax,edi ;x cor mov ebp,ebx ;img ;xsize movzx edx,word [ebp] add eax,edx mov ebp,eax shl eax,1 add ebp,eax add ebp,ecx ;canvas+8;start add ebp,8 ;get img size add ebx,4 mov eax,ebx ;img ;xsize movzx esi,word [eax] movzx edi,word [eax+2] add ebx,4 mov edx,ebx ;img+8 loo2: push esi loo: ;test on alpha color mov eax,[edx] shl eax,8 shr eax,8 cmp eax,[acolor] jne yx add edx,3 add ebp,3 jmp nx yx: mov al,byte [edx] mov byte [ebp],al inc ebp inc edx mov al,byte [edx] mov byte [ebp],al inc ebp inc edx mov al,byte [edx] mov byte [ebp],al inc ebp inc edx nx: dec esi jnz loo pop esi sub ebp,3 mov eax,[ecx] ;offset = offset+((canxsize-imgxsize)*3) sub eax,esi add ebp,eax shl eax,1 add ebp,eax add ebp,3 dec edi jnz loo2 ret end_aframetoimg_proc: end if push img push canvas push x push y push acol pop ebp pop esi pop edi pop ecx pop ebx call aframetoimg_proc } frametoimg_use_count=0 macro frametoimg img, x, y, canvas { local loo,loo2 frametoimg_use_count=frametoimg_use_count+1 if frametoimg_use_count = 1 jmp end_frametoimg_proc frametoimg_proc: ;getout coord mov edx,ebx ;img ;xsize movzx eax,word [edx] add eax,esi ;y cor ; mov eax,esi ;y cor mul dword [ecx] ;canvas xsize add eax,edi ;x cor mov ebp,ebx ;img ;xsize movzx edx,word [ebp] add eax,edx mov ebp,eax shl eax,1 add ebp,eax add ebp,ecx ;canvas+8;start add ebp,8 ;get img size add ebx,4 mov eax,ebx ;img ;xsize movzx esi,word [eax] movzx edi,word [eax+2] add ebx,4 mov edx,ebx ;img+8 loo2: push esi loo: mov al,byte [edx] mov byte [ebp],al inc ebp inc edx mov al,byte [edx] mov byte [ebp],al inc ebp inc edx mov al,byte [edx] mov byte [ebp],al inc ebp inc edx dec esi jnz loo pop esi sub ebp,3 mov eax,[ecx] ;offset = offset+((canxsize-imgxsize)*3) sub eax,esi add ebp,eax shl eax,1 add ebp,eax add ebp,3 dec edi jnz loo2 ret end_frametoimg_proc: end if push img push canvas push x push y pop esi pop edi pop ecx pop ebx call frametoimg_proc } imgtoimg_use_count=0 macro imgtoimg img, x, y, canvas { local loo,loo2 imgtoimg_use_count=imgtoimg_use_count+1 if imgtoimg_use_count = 1 jmp end_imgtoimg_proc imgtoimg_proc: ;getout coord mov eax,esi ;y cor mul dword [ecx] ;canvas xsize add eax,edi ;x cor mov ebp,eax shl eax,1 add ebp,eax add ebp,ecx ;canvas+8;start add ebp,8 ;get img size mov eax,ebx ;img ;xsize mov esi,[eax] add ebx,4 mov eax,ebx ; img+4 ;ysize mov edi,[eax] add ebx,4 mov edx,ebx ;img+8 loo2: push esi loo: mov al,byte [edx] mov byte [ebp],al inc ebp inc edx mov al,byte [edx] mov byte [ebp],al inc ebp inc edx mov al,byte [edx] mov byte [ebp],al inc ebp inc edx dec esi jnz loo pop esi sub ebp,3 mov eax,[ecx] ;offset = offset+((canxsize-imgxsize)*3) sub eax,esi add ebp,eax shl eax,1 add ebp,eax add ebp,3 dec edi jnz loo2 ret end_imgtoimg_proc: end if push img push canvas push x push y pop esi pop edi pop ecx pop ebx call imgtoimg_proc } ; FPS - Set Frame Per Second Display fps_show_frequency=40 macro fps x,y,color,delcolor { local spdat,savetime,new_time,fps,fps_cntr,out_fps,new_time,ttt local no_out_fps jmp spdat savetime dd 0 fps_cntr dd 0 fps dd 0 ttt dd 0 spdat: get_time: mov eax,3 mcall cmp eax,[savetime] jne new_time inc [fps_cntr] cmp dword [ttt],0 je out_fps dec dword [ttt] jmp no_out_fps new_time: mov [savetime],eax mov ebx,[fps_cntr] mov [fps],ebx mov [fps_cntr],0 out_fps: if ~(delcolor eq ) mov ebx,x*65536+30 mov ecx,y*65536+7 mov edx,delcolor mov eax,13 mcall end if mov dword [ttt],fps_show_frequency mov eax,47 mov ebx,5*65536 ; mov bl,0 mov edx,x*65536+y mov esi,color mov ecx,[fps] mcall no_out_fps: } macro rgbtobgr image { mov eax,[image] mul dword [image+4] mov ecx,eax mov esi,image+8 @@: mov al,[esi] mov bl,[esi+2] mov [esi],bl mov [esi+2],al add esi,3 dec ecx jnz @b } macro setframe x , y ,arg3 { mov eax,7 mov ebx,arg3 add ebx,8 wordstoreg edx, x , y ;arg1*65536+arg2 add edx,dword [arg3] mov ecx,dword [arg3+4] mcall } macro getimg imgsrc,x,y,xs,ys,imgdest { local next_pixel,next_line ; store image size if xs eqtype 0 | xs eqtype eax mov dword [imgdest],xs else mov eax,xs mov dword [imgdest],eax end if if ys eqtype 0 | ys eqtype eax mov dword [imgdest+4],ys else ;push ys ;pop dword [imgdest+4] mov eax,ys mov dword [imgdest+4],eax end if lea edi,[8+imgdest] ; edi = destinaton address mov eax,dword [imgsrc] ; eax = xsize of source image in pixels push eax ; store eax before mul operation mov edx,y mul edx ; edx:eax = eax*edx add eax,x lea esi,[imgsrc+8+eax+2*eax] ; esi = start offset on img src pop eax ; restore eax sub eax,xs ; eax = src image xsize - crop fragment xsize lea eax,[eax+eax*2] ; eax = eax * 3 (bytes per pixel) ; this loop used esi,edi,ecx,edx,eax registers mov edx,ys ; edx = ysize in pixels cld ; set direction next_line: mov ecx,xs ; ecx = xsize in pixels next_pixel: movsw movsb ; write 3 bytes pixel dec ecx jnz next_pixel add esi,eax dec edx jnz next_line } macro copyimg img2_off,img1_off { mov eax,dword [img1_off] mov ebx,dword [img1_off+4] mul ebx lea ecx,[eax+2*eax] lea esi,[img1_off+8] lea edi,[img2_off+8] cld rep movsb } macro fullimg img_off,xs,ys,color { local cop mov eax,xs mov ebx,ys mov dword [img_off],eax mov dword [img_off+4],ebx mul ebx lea ebp,[eax+2*eax] mov esi,color if color eqtype 0 mov ecx,color/65536 else mov ecx,esi shr ecx,16 end if xor edi,edi cop: mov word [img_off+8+edi],si add edi,2 mov byte [img_off+8+edi],cl inc edi cmp edi,ebp jne cop } ; number of frame in ecx ; callculatin offset of raw data macro getframeoff num_of_frame,offset_of_animation,offset_of_frame { local loo,setpic mov ebp,num_of_frame ;ecx mov esi,offset_of_animation;Image loo: cmp ebp,0 je setpic movzx eax,word [esi+4] movzx ebx,word [esi+6] mul ebx ;dword [esi+4] mov ebx,3 mul ebx add eax,8 add esi,eax dec ebp jmp loo setpic: mov dword offset_of_frame,esi } ; BMPTOIMG -Convert BMP format TO IMG format ; (SYNTAX) BMPTOIMG BMP_source_offset,IMG_dest_ofset ; (SAMPLE) View BMPLS.ASM sample. ; ( NOTE ) This is macro is not brake bmp structure! Tested in 32,8,4 bits bmptoimg_data_area_count=0 macro bmptoimg bmp_load_area,img_dest_area { local fileinfo,string,end_bmp,nodix local converttable,noaddelem,nextbit,convert1bpp,convert4bpp,convert2 local nextelem,convertno32,nomorestring,convert1,nextstring,yespicsize ;local qwe,bmpfn ; convert: movzx eax,word [bmp_load_area+28] mul dword [bmp_load_area+18] add eax,31 shr eax,5 mov dword [bmptoimg_data_area_dwps],eax ;dwps-doublewords per string shl eax,2 mov dword [bmptoimg_data_area_bps],eax ;bps-bytes per string cmp dword [bmp_load_area+34],0 jne yespicsize ;if picture size is defined mul dword [bmp_load_area+22] mov dword [bmp_load_area+34],eax yespicsize: mov ebp,img_dest_area+8 mov eax,bmp_load_area mov ebx,eax add ebx, [bmp_load_area+2];file size inc ebx mov dword [bmptoimg_soi],ebx ;soi-start of image area for drawing add eax, [bmp_load_area+10] mov dword [bmptoimg_data_area_sop],eax ;sop-start of picture in file add eax, [bmp_load_area+34] mov dword [bmptoimg_data_area_eop],eax ;eop-end of picture in file mov eax, [bmp_load_area+18] lea eax,[eax+2*eax] ;3x pixels in eax mov edi,dword [bmptoimg_soi] ;initializing mov esi,dword [bmptoimg_data_area_eop] sub esi,dword [bmptoimg_data_area_bps] nextstring: push edi push ebp cmp word [bmp_load_area+28],24 jne convertno32 mov edi,ebp mov ecx,[bmptoimg_data_area_dwps] cld rep movsd convert1: pop ebp pop edi sub esi,dword [bmptoimg_data_area_bps] sub esi,dword [bmptoimg_data_area_bps] cmp esi,dword [bmptoimg_data_area_sop] jb end_bmp add edi,eax add ebp,eax jmp nextstring convertno32: mov ebx,bmp_load_area add ebx, [bmp_load_area+14] add ebx,14 ;start of color table push esi add esi,dword [bmptoimg_data_area_bps] mov dword [bmptoimg_data_area_eos],esi pop esi nextelem: push eax movzx eax,byte [esi] cmp word [bmp_load_area+28],4 je convert4bpp cmp word [bmp_load_area+28],1 je convert1bpp call converttable convert2: pop eax inc esi cmp esi,dword [bmptoimg_data_area_eos] jae convert1 add edi,3 add ebp,3 jmp nextelem convert4bpp: shl ax,4 shr al,4 push ax movzx eax,ah call converttable add edi,3 add ebp,3 pop ax movzx eax,al call converttable jmp convert2 convert1bpp: mov ecx,eax mov edx,7 nextbit: xor eax,eax bt ecx,edx jnc noaddelem inc eax noaddelem: push edx call converttable pop edx dec edx js convert2 add edi,3 add ebp,3 jmp nextbit converttable: shl eax,2 add eax,ebx mov edx, dword [eax] ; mov dword [edi],edx mov [ebp],edx ret bmptoimg_data_area_count=bmptoimg_data_area_count+1 if bmptoimg_data_area_count = 1 ; DATA AREA bmptoimg_soi dd 0 bmptoimg_data_area_bps dd 0 bmptoimg_data_area_dwps dd 0 bmptoimg_data_area_sop dd 0 bmptoimg_data_area_eop dd 0 bmptoimg_data_area_eos dd 0 end if end_bmp: mov eax,dword [bmp_load_area+18] mov ebx,dword [bmp_load_area+22] mov dword [img_dest_area],eax mov dword [img_dest_area+4],ebx } if used ReadGIF ; For convert RGB to BGR COLOR_ORDER equ MENUETOS include '' end if macro giftoani gifsrc,imgsrc,num_of_frames { gif_img_count = num_of_frames mov esi, gifsrc mov edi, imgsrc call ReadGIF } macro giftoimg gifsrc,imgsrc { if defined gif_img_count error 'giftoimg cannot be used in GIF multiple images mode. Use giftoani instead.' end if mov esi, gifsrc mov edi, imgsrc call ReadGIF }