mouse_wnd_main: push eax ebx ecx mcall 37,2 ;get mouse buttons cmp al,1 jne @f mcall 37,1 ;get mouse coords mov ebx,[] add ebx,[] cmp ax,bx jl @f ;y_mousey_wnd mov ebx,[wndMain.left] add ebx,[recMain.left] mov ecx,eax shr ecx,16 cmp cx,bx jl @f ;x_mousex_wnd call draw_cursor_sumb call wnd_main_click ;call draw_main_cursor ;??? jmp .no_in_wnd @@: call wnd_main_mouse_scroll cmp [dragm],0 je .no_in_wnd mov [dragm],0 call draw_but_toolbar call draw_main_win .no_in_wnd: pop ecx ebx eax ret ; input: ; eax->(x,y) wnd_main_click: push ecx edx push eax shr eax,16 and eax,0xffff sub eax,[wndMain.left] sub eax,[recMain.left] xor edx,edx mov ecx,[recMain.width] div cx ;inc eax cmp eax,[hScr.cur_area] jle @f mov eax,[hScr.cur_area] @@: ;dec eax mov [cur_x],eax pop eax push eax and eax,0xffff sub eax,[] sub eax,[] xor edx,edx mov ecx,[recMain.height] div cx inc eax cmp eax,[wScr.cur_area] jle @f mov eax,[wScr.cur_area] @@: dec eax mov [cur_y],eax pop eax cmp [dragm],0 je @f call SelMove jmp .sel_move @@: mov [dragm],1 call SelStart .sel_move: pop edx ecx ret wnd_main_mouse_scroll: push eax ebx mcall 37,7 cmp ax,0 je .no_scroll mov ebx,dword[wScr.position] ;copy old scroll position and eax,0xffff btr ax,15 jae @f or eax,0xffff8000 @@: add dword[wScr.position],eax mov eax,[wScr.position] cmp eax,[wScr.max_area] jb @f mov dword[wScr.position],ebx ;if scroll position out of range jmp .no_scroll @@: call draw_main_win .no_scroll: pop ebx eax ret draw_but_toolbar: push ebx ecx edx mov ecx,0x40000000 ; mov edx,5*65536+25 mov edx,85*65536+2 call draw_but_icon inc cx ; mov edx,30*65536+25 mov edx,110*65536+2 call draw_but_icon call CanSave cmp al,1 je @f and ecx,0xffff @@: inc cx ; mov edx,55*65536+25 mov edx,135*65536+2 call draw_but_icon or ecx,0x40000000 inc cx mov edx,85*65536+25 call draw_but_icon call IsSel cmp al,0 jne @f and ecx,0xffff @@: inc cx ; Cut mov edx,110*65536+25 call draw_but_icon inc cx ; Copy mov edx,135*65536+25 call draw_but_icon mov cx,10 ; Upper mov edx,265*65536+25 call draw_but_icon inc cx ; Lower mov edx,290*65536+25 call draw_but_icon inc cx ; Reverse mov edx,315*65536+25 call draw_but_icon or ecx,0x40000000 cmp byte[buf],0 jne @f and ecx,0xffff @@: mov cx,6 ; Paste mov edx,160*65536+25 call draw_but_icon or ecx,0x40000000 inc cx mov edx,185*65536+25 call draw_but_icon inc cx mov edx,210*65536+25 call draw_but_icon inc cx mov edx,235*65536+25 call draw_but_icon mov ebx,[tim_Undo] cmp [ch_tim],ebx jg @f and ecx,0xffff @@: mov cx,13 mov edx,345*65536+25 call draw_but_icon or ecx,0x40000000 cmp [tim_Undo],1 jge @f and ecx,0xffff @@: inc cx mov edx,370*65536+25 call draw_but_icon or ecx,0x40000000 inc cx mov edx,400*65536+25 call draw_but_icon inc cx mov edx,425*65536+25 call draw_but_icon mov cx,17 mov edx,450*65536+25 call draw_but_icon pop edx ecx ebx ret ;input: ; ebx = x*2^16+y coords to left up point clear line ; esi = 0 clear all rows ; edi - number text line clear_line_before_draw: push eax ebx ecx edx sub ebx,0x10001 ;отнимаем отступы для выравнивания буквы по центру cmp esi,0 jne @f add bx,word[recMain.height] inc edi ; ??? ror ebx,16 mov bx,word[wndMain.left] add bx,word[recMain.left] ror ebx,16 @@: mov ax,word[wndMain.height] add ax,word[] cmp ax,bx jl .no_clear sub ax,bx mov cx,bx shl ecx,16 mov bx,word[wndMain.width] sub bx,word[recMain.left] mov cx,word[recMain.height] mov edx,[WND_WORK_COLOR] cmp esi,0 je .pusto cmp ax,cx jge @f .pusto: mov cx,ax @@: call IsSel cmp al,0 je @f cmp [seln.y0],edi jg @f cmp [seln.y1],edi jl @f mov edx,[SELECT_COLOR] ;draw selected line @@: mov eax,13 ;rect int 0x40 call IsSel cmp al,0 je .no_clear mov al,13 ;rect mov cx,word[recMain.height] cmp [seln.y0],edi jne @f push bx mov edx,[seln.x0] ; верхняя полоса (затирает слева) cmp edx,[hScr.position] jle .in_wnd sub edx,[hScr.position] imul edx,[recMain.width] mov bx,dx jmp .no_wnd .in_wnd: mov bx,0 .no_wnd: mov edx,[WND_WORK_COLOR] int 0x40 pop bx @@: cmp [seln.y1],edi jne @f mov edx,[seln.x1] ; нижняя полоса (затирает справа) cmp edx,[hScr.position] jle .in_wnd2 sub edx,[hScr.position] imul edx,[recMain.width] sub bx,dx shl edx,16 add ebx,edx .in_wnd2: mov edx,[WND_WORK_COLOR] int 0x40 @@: .no_clear: pop edx ecx ebx eax ret ;include '' draw_main_win: push eax ebx ecx edx edi esi ;---debug--- ;mov ecx,0 ;@@: ;call DebugSymb ;inc ecx ;cmp ecx,10 ;jge @f ;jmp @b ;@@: ;ret ;---debug--- mov eax,4 ;draw text mov esi,1 mov ecx,[tex_colors] push dword[ecx] pop ecx mov ebx,[wndMain.left] add ebx,[recMain.left] inc ebx shl ebx,16 add ebx,[] add ebx,[] inc ebx call SelNormalize ;need before draw select mov edi,[wScr.position] call clear_line_before_draw call GetFirstVisiblePos cmp edx,0 je .no_draw_text @@: call IteratNext cmp edx,[tex_1] jle .no_draw_text ;--- debug ;cmp dword[edx+6],maxChars ;jge .no_draw_text ;--- debug ; *** цветовая разметка cmp byte[mode_colored],0 je .no_col_change cmp byte[edx+1],0 je .no_col_change call GetSymbColor .no_col_change: cmp byte [edx],13 jne .no_13 cmp [invis],1 jne .no_invis push edx mov edx,symbol_new_line int 0x40 pop edx .no_invis: add bx,word [recMain.height] ;optimized output \/ mov ax,word [wndMain.height] add ax,word [] cmp bx,ax jg .no_draw_text mov ax,4 ;optimized output /\ ror ebx,16 mov bx,word [wndMain.left] add bx,word [recMain.left] inc ebx ror ebx,16 inc edi ;increment line number call clear_line_before_draw call OptDrawLineLeft jmp @b .no_13: int 0x40 ror ebx,16 add bx,word [recMain.width] mov si,word [wndMain.left] add si,word [wndMain.width] cmp bx,si jl .no_opt call OptDrawLineRight .no_opt: mov si,1 ror ebx,16 jmp @b .no_draw_text: xor esi,esi call clear_line_before_draw mov eax,13 ;top panel with caption mov ebx,[wndMain.left] ; add ebx,[recMain.left] shl ebx,16 add ebx,[wndMain.width] ; sub ebx,[recMain.left] mov edx,[WND_WORK_COLOR] mov ecx,[] ;draw caption shl ecx,16 add ecx,[] mov edx,[WND_CAPT_COLOR] int 0x40 ;left panel with numbers ; mov ebx,[wndMain.left] ; shl ebx,16 ; add ebx,[recMain.left] ;mov cx,word[wndMain.height] ; mov cx,word[] ; int 0x40 call draw_line_numbers call draw_main_cursor ;--------------------------------------------- ; set all_redraw flag for draw all ScrollBar ; In some cases it is necessity to draw only the area ; of moving of a "runner", for acceleration of output - ; in this case the flag needs to be reset to 0 (zero). xor eax,eax inc eax mov [wScr.all_redraw],eax mov [hScr.all_redraw],eax ; draw for Vertical ScrollBar push dword wScr call [scrollbar_ver_draw] push dword hScr call [scrollbar_hor_draw] ; reset all_redraw flag xor eax,eax mov [wScr.all_redraw],eax mov [hScr.all_redraw],eax ;--------------------------------------------- mov eax,13 ;left-bottom square mov bx,word[wndMain.left] shl ebx,16 mov bx,word[recMain.left] mov ecx,[] add ecx,[wndMain.height] shl ecx,16 mov cx,word[hScr.size_y] inc cx mov edx,[] int 0x40 ;right-bottom square mov ebx,[wndMain.left] add ebx,[wndMain.width] shl ebx,16 mov bx,word[wScr.size_x] inc bx int 0x40 pop esi edi edx ecx ebx eax call draw_panel_find call draw_panel_syntax ret ;txtBUp db 24 ;txtBDn db 25 ;txtBRi db 26 ;txtBLe db 27 draw_panel_find: cmp byte[panel_id],TE_PANEL_FIND ;if not panel jne @f push eax ebx ecx edx mov eax,13 ;рисование прямоугольника mov ebx,TE_PANEL_WIDTH mov cx,word[] shl ecx,16 mov cx,20 mov edx,[] int 0x40 mov eax,4 ;рисование текста mov ebx,30*65536+5 add bx,word[] mov ecx,[sc.work_text] or ecx,0x80000000 mov edx,txtFindCapt int 0x40 push dword edit2 call [edit_box_draw] mov eax,13 ;рисование прямоугольника mov ebx,TE_PANEL_WIDTH mov cx,word[] add cx,20+15 ; 15 - height text box shl ecx,16 mov cx,word[wndMain.height] add cx,word[hScr.size_y] sub cx,20+15-1 ; 15 - height text box mov edx,[] int 0x40 mov eax,8 ;кнопка mov ebx,5*65536+85 mov cx,word[] add cx,20+15+5 shl ecx,16 mov cx,20 mov edx,201 ;button id mov esi,[sc.work_button] int 0x40 mov eax,4 ;рисование текста mov ebx,15*65536+(20+15+10) add bx,word[] mov ecx,[sc.work_text] or ecx,0x80000000 mov edx,txtFindNext int 0x40 pop edx ecx ebx eax ret @@: push eax edx mov eax,8 mov edx,201 or edx,0x80000000 int 0x40 pop edx eax ret draw_panel_syntax: cmp byte[panel_id],TE_PANEL_SYNTAX ;if not panel jne @f push eax ebx ecx edx mov eax,13 ;рисование прямоугольника mov ebx,TE_PANEL_WIDTH mov cx,word[] shl ecx,16 mov cx,20 mov edx,[] int 0x40 push dword tree1 call dword[tl_draw] mov [ws_dir_lbox.all_redraw],1 push dword ws_dir_lbox call dword[scrollbar_ver_draw] ror ecx,16 add ecx,dword[tree1.box_height] add ecx,20 ror ecx,16 mov cx,word[wndMain.height] add cx,word[hScr.size_y] sub cx,20 sub ecx,dword[tree1.box_height] inc cx int 0x40 mov eax,8 ;кнопка mov ebx,5*65536+65 mov cx,word[] add cx,25 add ecx,dword[tree1.box_height] shl ecx,16 mov cx,20 mov edx,200 ;button id mov esi,[sc.work_button] int 0x40 mov eax,4 ;рисование текста mov ebx,30*65536+5 add bx,word[] mov ecx,[sc.work_text] or ecx,0x80000000 mov edx,txtFormatCapt int 0x40 mov ebx,10*65536+30 add ebx,dword[tree1.box_height] add bx,word[] mov edx,txtFormatApply int 0x40 pop edx ecx ebx eax ret @@: push eax edx mov eax,8 mov edx,200 or edx,0x80000000 int 0x40 pop edx eax ret draw_cur_line: push eax ebx ecx edx esi edi mov edi,[cur_y] mov ebx,[wndMain.left] add ebx,[recMain.left] inc ebx shl ebx,16 add ebx,edi imul bx,word[recMain.height] add ebx,[] add ebx,[] inc ebx add edi,[wScr.position] mov esi,1 call SelNormalize ;need before draw select call clear_line_before_draw mov esi,[hScr.position] mov ecx,edi call GetPosByParam cmp [gpOpt],2 jne .no_draw_text ; mov eax,4 ;draw text call GetSymbColor mov esi,1 ;draw 1 symbol @@: ;call IteratNext cmp edx,[tex_1] jle .no_draw_text ; *** цветовая разметка cmp byte[mode_colored],0 je .no_col_change cmp byte[edx+1],0 je .no_col_change call GetSymbColor .no_col_change: mov eax,4 ;draw text cmp byte [edx],13 jne .no_13 cmp [invis],1 jne .no_draw_text push edx mov edx,symbol_new_line int 0x40 pop edx jmp .no_draw_text .no_13: int 0x40 ror ebx,16 add bx,word[recMain.width] ; cmp bx,word[wndMain.width] mov ax,word[wndMain.width] add ax,word[wndMain.left] ;ax = отступ по оси x cmp bx,ax jge .no_draw_text ;Opt ror ebx,16 call IteratNext jmp @b .no_draw_text: pop edi esi edx ecx ebx eax call draw_main_cursor ret MIN_M_WND_H equ 100 MIN_W_SCRL_ARE equ 3 MIN_H_SCRL_ARE equ 3 EvSize: push eax ecx edx edi m2m [wndMain.width],[procinfo.client_box.width] mov ax,word[wndMain.left] sub word[wndMain.width],ax mov eax,[wScr] ;+0 size_x sub word[wndMain.width],ax m2m [wndMain.height],[procinfo.client_box.height] cmp [wndMain.height],MIN_M_WND_H jg @f mov [wndMain.height],MIN_M_WND_H @@: mov ax,word[hScr.size_y] sub word[wndMain.height],ax mov eax,[wndMain.height] ;.height = .top+.height mov word[hScr.start_y],ax mov eax,[] sub word[wndMain.height],ax m2m word[wScr.start_x],word[wndMain.width] mov ax,word[wndMain.left] add [wScr.start_x],ax m2m word[wScr.size_y],word[wndMain.height] m2m word[hScr.start_x],word[recMain.left] add [hScr.start_x],ax ;ax=[wndMain.left] mov eax,[wndMain.width] sub ax,word[recMain.left] mov word[hScr.size_x],ax mov eax,[wndMain.height] ;calculate lines in page sub eax,[] xor edx,edx mov ecx,[recMain.height] div ecx cmp eax,MIN_W_SCRL_ARE jg @f mov eax,MIN_W_SCRL_ARE @@: mov [wScr.cur_area],eax mov eax,[wndMain.width] ;calculate cols in page sub eax,[recMain.left] xor edx,edx mov ecx,[recMain.width] div ecx cmp eax,MIN_H_SCRL_ARE jg @f mov eax,MIN_H_SCRL_ARE @@: dec eax ; ??? mov [hScr.cur_area],eax mov edi,dword tree1 m2m tl_box_top,dword[] add tl_box_top,20 m2m dword[],dword[] add dword[],20 pop edi edx ecx eax call OnInitialUpdate ret OnInitialUpdate: mov [wScr.redraw],1 mov [hScr.redraw],1 ret ;output: ; edx = pointer to symbol ; edx = 0 if text not in screen GetFirstVisiblePos: push ecx mov edx,[tex] xor ecx,ecx @@: cmp ecx,[wScr.position] je @f call IteratNext cmp edx,[tex_1] jle @f cmp byte [edx],13 jne @b inc ecx jmp @b @@: cmp ecx,[wScr.position] je @f xor edx,edx @@: cmp ecx,[wScr.max_area] jle @f mov [wScr.max_area],ecx @@: pop ecx call OptDrawLineLeft ret ;input: ; edx = pointer to symbol ;output: ; edx = pointer to first left symbol OptDrawLineLeft: push ecx mov ecx,[hScr.position] cmp ecx,0 je .ret_f push eax mov eax,edx cmp edx,[tex] jne @f call IteratNext jmp .beg_cycle @@: cmp ecx,0 je @f cmp byte[edx],13 jne @f call IteratNext .beg_cycle: @@: cmp edx,[tex_1] jle @f cmp byte[edx],13 je @f cmp ecx,0 je @f mov eax,edx call IteratNext dec ecx jmp @b @@: mov edx,eax pop eax .ret_f: pop ecx call GetSymbColor ret ;input: ; edx = pointer to symbol ;output: ; edx = pointer to 13 symbol OptDrawLineRight: push eax mov eax,edx @@: cmp edx,[tex_1] jle @f cmp byte[edx],13 je @f mov eax,edx call IteratNext jmp @b @@: mov edx,eax ;perv sumbol pop eax call GetSymbColor ret draw_main_cursor: push eax ebx ecx edx edi esi mov eax,13 ;draw cursor mov ecx,[] ;calc rect -> y0,y1 add ecx,[] mov edx,[cur_y] imul edx,[recMain.height] add ecx,edx cmp [curMod],1 jne @f mov edx,[recMain.height] inc edx ; 1->1, 3->2, 5->3, ... shr edx,1 add ecx,edx @@: shl ecx,16 add ecx,[recMain.height] cmp [curMod],1 jne @f shr cx,1 @@: mov ebx,[wndMain.left] ;calc rect -> x0,x1 add ebx,[recMain.left] mov edx,[cur_x] imul edx,[recMain.width] add ebx,edx shl ebx,16 add ebx,[recMain.width] mov edx,[CURSOR_COLOR] int 0x40 call GetPos cmp [gpOpt],2 jne @f mov eax,4 ;draw text mov esi,1 ror ecx,16 mov bx,cx add ebx,0x10001 cmp [curMod],1 jne .no_up_tetx mov cx,word[recMain.height] inc cx ; 1->1, 3->2, 5->3, ... shr cx,1 sub bx,cx .no_up_tetx: mov ecx,[CUR_TEXT_COLOR] call ConvertInvisSymb int 0x40 @@: mov eax,4 mov ebx,[wndMain.left] add ebx,[recMain.left] shl ebx,16 add ebx,[] add ebx,3 mov ecx,[WND_BORD_COLOR] or ecx,0x80000000 mov edx,txtRow int 0x40 add ebx,0x500000 mov edx,txtCol int 0x40 cmp [tim_Undo],0 je @f add ebx,0x500000 mov edx,txtOtm int 0x40 sub ebx,0x500000 @@: call draw_bufer call draw_help_f1 mov eax,47 ;draw cursor coords mov esi,[WND_BORD_COLOR] or esi,0x40000000 mov edi,[WND_WORK_COLOR] mov edx,ebx ror edx,16 sub edx,35 ror edx,16 ;add edx,3 mov ebx,0x40000 ;Row=... mov ecx,[cur_y] inc ecx add ecx,[wScr.position] int 0x40 ;mov ebx,0x40000 ;Col=... mov ecx,[cur_x] inc ecx add ecx,[hScr.position] add edx,0x500000 int 0x40 cmp [tim_Undo],0 je @f mov ecx,[tim_Undo] add edx,0x500000 int 0x40 @@: pop esi edi edx ecx ebx eax ret draw_bufer: push eax ebx ecx edx esi edi cmp byte[buf],0 je @f mov ebx,[wndMain.left] add ebx,[recMain.left] add bx,250 shl ebx,16 add ebx,[] add ebx,3 mov ecx,[WND_BORD_COLOR] or ecx,0x40000000 mov edi,[WND_WORK_COLOR] mov edx,txtBuf mov esi,buf call strlen if lang eq ru cmp eax,15 jle .crop_buf mov eax,15 .crop_buf: mov esi,7 ;7=len(txtBuf) else cmp eax,14 jle .crop_buf mov eax,14 .crop_buf: mov esi,8 ;8=len(txtBuf) end if add esi,eax mov eax,4 int 0x40 @@: pop edi esi edx ecx ebx eax ret draw_help_f1: push eax ebx ecx edx edi mov eax,13 ;clear place before draw help mov ebx,[wndMain.left] add ebx,[recMain.left] shl ebx,16 add ebx,[wndMain.width] sub ebx,[recMain.left] mov ecx,[] add ecx,13 shl ecx,16 add ecx,[recMain.height] mov edx,[WND_CAPT_COLOR] int 0x40 cmp [help_id],-1 je @f;.no_help mov eax,[help_id] ColToIndexOffset eax,edx ;SetCoordinates mov ebx,[wndMain.left] add ebx,[recMain.left] shl ebx,16 add ebx,[] add ebx,13 ;=3+10 ;SetTextColor xor eax,eax mov al,byte[edx+MAX_COLOR_WORD_LEN+6] shl ax,2 mov ecx,[tex_colors] add ecx,eax push dword[ecx] pop ecx or ecx,0xc0000000 ;SetTextStyles mov edi,[WND_WORK_COLOR] mov eax,4 int 0x40 ;*** draw help string *** mov ecx,[WND_BORD_COLOR] or ecx,0x80000000 mov edi,dword[edx+MAX_COLOR_WORD_LEN] cmp edi,0 je @f add edi,dword[tex_help_f1] mov edx,edi add ebx,0x500000 int 0x40 @@: ;.no_help: pop edi edx ecx ebx eax ret draw_line_numbers: push eax ebx ecx edx esi ;edi ;line numbers mov eax,47 mov esi,[WND_BORD_COLOR] ;or esi,0x40000000 ;mov edi,[WND_WORK_COLOR] mov ebx,0x40000 ;format mov ecx,[wScr.position] inc ecx mov dx,3 add dx,word[wndMain.left] shl edx,16 mov dx,word[] add dx,word[] @@: push eax ebx ecx edx mov eax,13 ;left panel with numbers mov ebx,[wndMain.left] shl ebx,16 add ebx,[recMain.left] mov cx,dx ; mov ecx,[] ;draw caption ; add ecx,[] shl ecx,16 mov cx,word [recMain.height] mov edx,[WND_CAPT_COLOR] int 0x40 pop edx ecx ebx eax int 0x40 inc ecx add dx,word[recMain.height] sub dx,word[] cmp dx,word[wndMain.height] jge @f add dx,word[] jmp @b @@: pop esi edx ecx ebx eax ret draw_cursor_sumb: ;this function need to optimize output push eax ecx edx mov eax,13 ;rect mov ebx,[wndMain.left] add ebx,[recMain.left] mov edx,[cur_x] imul edx,[recMain.width] add ebx,edx shl ebx,16 add ebx,[recMain.width] mov ecx,[] ;calc rect -> y0,y1 add ecx,[] mov edx,[cur_y] imul edx,[recMain.height] add ecx,edx shl ecx,16 add ecx,[recMain.height] mov edx,[WND_WORK_COLOR] push ecx call SelNormalize mov ecx,[wScr.position] sub [seln.y0],ecx sub [seln.y1],ecx mov ecx,[cur_y] cmp ecx,[seln.y0] jl .no_cur_sel cmp ecx,[seln.y1] jg .no_cur_sel mov edx,[SELECT_COLOR] cmp ecx,[seln.y0] jne @f mov ecx,[cur_x] add ecx,[hScr.position] cmp ecx,[seln.x0] jge @f mov edx,[WND_WORK_COLOR] @@: mov ecx,[cur_y] cmp ecx,[seln.y1] jne .no_cur_sel mov ecx,[cur_x] add ecx,[hScr.position] cmp ecx,[seln.x1] jl .no_cur_sel mov edx,[WND_WORK_COLOR] .no_cur_sel: pop ecx int 0x40 call GetPos cmp [gpOpt],2 jne @f push esi mov eax,4 ;draw text mov esi,1 ror ecx,16 mov bx,cx add ebx,0x10001 ;mov ecx,[WND_TEXT_COLOR] call GetSymbColor call ConvertInvisSymb int 0x40 pop esi @@: pop edx ecx eax ret ;input: ; edx = pointer to text ;output: ; ecx = color ; if mode_colored=0 then ecx=WND_TEXT_COLOR GetSymbColor: mov ecx,[WND_TEXT_COLOR] push eax edx cmp byte[mode_colored],0 je .exit jmp .on_first @@: call IteratPerv cmp edx,[tex_1] jle .exit .on_first: xor eax,eax mov al,byte[edx+1] cmp al,0 je @b ;cmp al,0xff ;je .exit cmp eax,[ColColor] jge .exit shl ax,2 ;*4 mov ecx,[tex_colors] add ecx,eax push dword[ecx] pop ecx .exit: pop edx eax ret ;input: ; edx = pointer to text ConvertInvisSymb: cmp [invis],1 jne @f cmp byte [edx],13 jne @f mov edx,symbol_new_line @@: ret ;input: ; ecx = 0x4000____ ; cx = icon index ; edx = x*2^16+y draw_but_icon: push eax ebx mov eax,8 ;кнопка push ecx edx esi mov ebx,edx mov edx,ecx add edx,3 mov cx,bx shl ecx,16 mov cx,19 ;=20-1 mov bx,19 ;=20-1 mov esi,[sc.work_button] int 0x40 pop esi edx ecx mov ebx,ecx ror ebx,16 cmp bx,0x4000 jne @f mov eax,7 ;bmp mov ebx,[bmp_icon] push ecx and ecx,0xffff imul ecx,1200 add ebx,ecx mov ecx,20 shl ecx,16 add ecx,20 int 0x40 pop ecx @@: pop ebx eax ret