#define FALSE 0 #define TRUE 1 #define SHELL_VERSION "0.4" extern char PATH[256]; extern char PARAM[256]; char title[64]; char cur_dir[256]; /// =========================================================== char *ALIASES = NULL; unsigned ALIAS_NUM = 0; /// =========================================================== #define CMD_HISTORY_NUM 5 char CMD[256]; char CMD_HISTORY[CMD_HISTORY_NUM][256]; char CMD_NUM; unsigned CMD_POS; /// =========================================================== char script_sign[] = {"#SHS"}; /// =========================================================== const NUM_OF_CMD = 19; const char HELP_COMMANDS[][10]= { "about", "alias", "cd", "date", "echo", "exit", "free", "help", "kill", "ls", "mkdir", "more", "ps", "pwd", "reboot", "rm", "rmdir", "touch", "ver" }; const char HELP_DESC [][70]= { " Displays information about the program\n\r", " Allows the user view the current aliases\n\r", " Changes directories\n\r", " Returns the date and time\n\r", " Echoes the data to the screen\n\r", " Exits program\n\r", " Displays total, free and used memory\n\r", " Gives help\n\r", " Stops a running process\n\r", " Lists the files in a directory\n\r", " Makes directory\n\r", " Displays a data file to the screen\n\r", " Lists the current processes running\n\r", " Displays the name of the working directory\n\r", " Reboots the computer\n\r", " Removes files\n\r", " Removes directories\n\r", " Creates an empty file or updates the time/date stamp on a file\n\r", " Displays version\n\r" }; /// ===========================================================